Vegetarian Quotes

Text Quotes
You can shoot the tiger, or stay out of his way, but you cannot pronounce him a vegetarian (Vegetarian Quotes)
I became a vegetarian because I was persuaded that life is as valid for other creatures as it is for humans. I do not need dead animal bodies to keep me alive, strong and healthy. Therefore, I will not kill for food (Vegetarian Quotes)
The hippopotamus is a vegetarian and looks like a wall. Lions who eat only red meat are sleek and slim. Are nutritionists on the wrong track? (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’m not a vegetarian, but I have cut back sharply on the meat that I eat (Vegetarian Quotes)
I love going to weddings. And I love it when my friends get married. I’m not against marriage but it’s just not for me. I’m a vegetarian, but I don’t have a problem if you want a hamburger (Vegetarian Quotes)
In our house, some of our favourite recipes just happen to be vegetarian, but I still enjoy meat and I believe very much in meat (Vegetarian Quotes)
What every human being should do is eat a vegetarian diet based on whole foods. Period (Vegetarian Quotes)
I became a vegetarian at 15. I was always an animal lover and, as a teenager, became increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of eating meat. It was then that I started to research vegetarianism (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’ve been vegetarian since the 80s and, lately, even vegan. And I once happened to witness the slaughter of a cow. What atrocity must undergo an animal to satisfy the appetite of those fatmen who eat hamburgers! (Vegetarian Quotes)
I became a vegetarian 55 years ago, and I think it’s one of the more important behavioral changes I ever took. The more I see of the beef industry and so on, I believe that to be true (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’ve been a vegetarian for years and years. I’m not judgemental about others who aren’t, I just feel I cannot eat or wear living creatures (Vegetarian Quotes)
It’s the 21st century. It’s healthier for us, better for the environment and certainly kinder to be a vegetarian (Vegetarian Quotes)
Give your dog or cat respect, patience, understanding and love. And if you just change to one vegetarian day a week, that’s a wonderful step that will save animal lives. It means you have chosen something kind instead of something cruel (Vegetarian Quotes)
It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind (Vegetarian Quotes)
To expect life to treat you good is foolish as hoping a bull won’t hit you because you are a vegetarian (Vegetarian Quotes)
Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming, they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action (Vegetarian Quotes)
It was almost enough to make me turn vegetarian, except for the pesky fact that I loved cheeseburgers (Vegetarian Quotes)
As long as there are slaughterhouses there will be battlefields. A vegetarian diet is the acid test of humanitarianism (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’m a vegetarian, well I’m not hardcore because I eat meat, but only because I like the taste, and I hate vegetables on a personal level so I’m not too good! (Vegetarian Quotes)
Part of my reason for being vegetarian was because it practices respect and love for life all through the day, so three times a day, you make a decision to eat things that have not been killed (Vegetarian Quotes)
What every human being should do is eat a vegetarian diet based on whole foods. Period. That’s it. Animal protein is bad for you. Dairy is bad for you. Forget the ads: Milk and eggs are bad for you (Vegetarian Quotes)
In 1968, I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry, and unhappy like we do (Vegetarian Quotes)
I am a vegetarian because I realized that even little chickens suffer pain and fear, experience a range of feelings and emotions, and are as intelligent as mammals, including dogs, cats, and even some primates (Vegetarian Quotes)
He was not only, I soon discovered, a water drinker, but a strict vegetarian, to which, perhaps, he owed a great deal of the almost preternatural clearness, volubility, and sensitiveness of mind (Vegetarian Quotes)
I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian (Vegetarian Quotes)
I am not a complete vegetarian. I eat only animals that have died in their sleep (Vegetarian Quotes)
Although I have been prevented by outward circumstances from observing a strictly vegetarian diet, I have long been an adherent to the cause in principle. Besides agreeing with the aims of vegetarianism for aesthetic and moral reasons, it is my view that a vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’m a vegetarian. You’re a what? I don’t eat meat. How can you not eat meat? I just don’t. He says he does not eat meat. What? No meat? No meat. Steak? No... Chickens! No... And what about the sausage? No, no sausage, no meat! He says he does not eat any meat. Not even sausage? I know! What is wrong with him? What is wrong with you? Nothing, I just don’t eat meat! (Vegetarian Quotes)
My disciples are vegetarian not as a cult, not as a creed. They are vegetarians because their meditations make them more human, more of the heart, and they can see the whole stupidity of people killing living beings for their food. It is their sensitivity, their aesthetic awareness that makes them vegetarians (Vegetarian Quotes)
Becoming a vegetarian is not merely a symbolic gesture. Nor is it an attempt to isolate oneself from the ugly realities of the world, to keep oneself pure and so without responsibility for the cruelty and carnage all around. Becoming a vegetarian is a highly practical and effective step one can take toward ending both the killing of nonhuman animals and the infliction of suffering on them (Vegetarian Quotes)