Vegetarian Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m not a vegetarian by any means; I eat fish. But the problem with shark finning is they catch the shark, cut their fins and throw them back in the ocean, and to me, that’s wrong. If you’re going to kill an animal, you should use the entire animal and do it humanely. I’m definitely not a big fan. (Vegetarian Quotes)
My biggest dream in the world is for everyone to become vegetarian, so there won’t be any more suffering. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I am vegetarian. I have a sweet tooth, so I try and avoid desserts. I binge maybe once a month. I eat every two hours, whether it is a Marie biscuit or just a slice of apple. As a result, my metabolism has improved, and this is a huge contributor to weight loss. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I was a vegetarian first. I had high blood pressure at 27, everybody in my family died of cancer, and I knew it was in the food, so I changed my diet. (Vegetarian Quotes)
My own experience as a person with blood type O was that my health, strength, and vitality significantly improved when I became a vegetarian ... I have also found a significant number of very healthy vegetarians who are Type O. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’m always thirsty when I wake up, so I guzzle a bottle of Smart water before I scramble tofu with onions, peppers and spinach and top it with salsa. I’ve been a vegetarian for years, but I recently became vegan. (Vegetarian Quotes)
India introduced Britain to vegetarianism - see Tristram Stuart’s excellent first book on this - and it is possible, indeed all too easy, to be a vegetarian in India and eat extraordinarily good, varied food every day, with very few ‘repeats.’ (Vegetarian Quotes)
I was a vegan for two years, and I really enjoyed it. Then, I got to a point in my life at which I wanted to do something else, so now I’m a vegetarian. You should make your diet one that best fits you and how you feel. Listen to your body. The most important thing is to exercise, drink lots of water, and take really good care of yourself. (Vegetarian Quotes)
Love, acceptance, friends, two kids that I love. I have to take care of myself for them. I’ve also been a vegetarian for two years. (Vegetarian Quotes)
Dia de Los Muertos is a holiday that pays tribute to the dead and also celebrates life. So I thought, what better of an idea to bring it in with PETA and let people know how we can respect the living and the dead. Going vegetarian could be an incredible option for people if they would just educate themselves. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I didn’t grow up vegan or vegetarian. I grew up with junk food! And because of the way I ate before changing my diet, I can truly understand the challenges of making changes and stepping away from foods that provided a form of comfort and happiness growing up, but finding out that most of what I loved was really bad for me! (Vegetarian Quotes)
Because I’m a chef, I eat out frequently, so it’s hard for me to control what I consume in terms of calories. But when I’m at home, I eat what my wife cooks for me. She works hard to avoid making foods that are high in calories and cholesterol, so most of the time, she makes vegetarian dishes. (Vegetarian Quotes)
The woman I am currently crazy about was a vegetarian for a year until I started dating her. As is the case with most vegetarians, she had never eaten properly prepared meat, only commercially packaged or otherwise abused flesh. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’ve been more or less vegetarian for about 40 years. Health diet really helps. I do meditation every day, and either yoga or sport several times a week. (Vegetarian Quotes)
No pills, not even aspirin, and certainly no supplements ever enter my mouth - everything I need comes from my fish and vegetarian diet, which incorporates many different kinds of fruit and vegetables every week. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I don’t have hardly any caffeine, I don’t drink alcohol and I watch my red meat intake. My diet at the minute seems to be verging towards the vegetarian, which is surprising me because I tend to just listen to what my body is fancying. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I am not a vegetarian. I subscribe to my own mantra: eat less, move more, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, don’t eat too much junk food, and enjoy what you eat. Or, to summarise: eat less, eat better, move more, and get political. (Vegetarian Quotes)
Let’s call a spade a spade - a lot of times when you are a vegetarian it is a just not very effective eating disorder. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’ve been vegetarian for so long now that I don’t remember anything different, so it’s easy for me to put meals together and make sure my family is eating healthy, too. (Vegetarian Quotes)
If man is able to live healthily as a vegetarian but chooses not to be one, then man is guilty of eating meat! (Vegetarian Quotes)
As for meat, I’m not going to become vegetarian. I’m telling you that right now. I want me a steak. I want me a pork chop. I want me a lamb chop, even a piece of duck every once in awhile. We used to have ham and salami, all that crazy stuff. I can’t eat processed food. I’ve got to find local farmers and get natural foods. (Vegetarian Quotes)
When eating out while on tour, a great place to get vegetarian food is Thai restaurants, as they have lots of options. I absolutely adore salad and vegetables - I will eat salad until it’s coming out of my ears. Although I think it’s great in any form, my particular favourite has to be beetroot salad. (Vegetarian Quotes)
In high school I became a vegetarian more times than I can now remember, most often as an effort to claim some identity in a world of people whose identities seemed to come effortlessly. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I enjoy three meals a day, and 90 per cent of what I eat is vegetarian and homemade. I occasionally eat non-vegetarian, and chicken preparations are my favourite. (Vegetarian Quotes)
Meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. It puts enormous pressure on the world’s resources. A vegetarian diet is better. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’ve been a vegetarian, I’ve been a Paleo, and now I believe in the everything-in-moderation diet. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I’m a vegetarian, but my family isn’t. If I can keep everything in my house healthy, I don’t have to worry as much when I eat out. (Vegetarian Quotes)
I try to eat vegetarian, though I’m not very good at it, and it’s a work in progress. But we basically are what we eat. Eat fat, and there’s fat in your body. Eat protein, and there’s protein in your body. Eat magic, and there’s magic in your body. (Vegetarian Quotes)
Leandros’s favorite place had turned out not to be vegetarian, but vegan, which was for people who preferred their suicide slow. (Vegetarian Quotes)
Water is my main state. If I time before I run - like, to digest, like, a good hour and a half or so to digest, I’ll eat oatmeal. but I’m a vegetarian for the most part, so in general, I just eat grains and vegetables and fruit. (Vegetarian Quotes)