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Veiling Quotes

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Veiling truth in mystery  (Veiling Quotes) Ornament is but the gilded shore to a most dangerous sea; the beauteous scarf veiling an Indian; beauty, in a word, the seeming truth which cunning times put on to entrap the wisest  (Veiling Quotes) The revelation in Jesus, just because it is the revelation of the righteousness of God is at the same time the strongest conceivable veiling and unknowableness of God. In Jesus, God really becomes a mystery, makes himself known as the unknown, speaks as the eternally Silent One  (Veiling Quotes) With a tear for the dark past, turn we then to the dazzling future, and, veiling our eyes, press forward. The long and weary winter of the race is ended. Its summer has begun. Humanity has burst the chrysalis. The heavens are before it  (Veiling Quotes) Any unveiling is also veiling. No matter how transparent our governments want to be, governments will be selectively transparent.  (Veiling Quotes)