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Venezuelan Quotes

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This has been a great victory for the Venezuelan people  (Venezuelan Quotes) My mother is Irish, my father is black and Venezuelan, and me - I’m tan, I guess  (Venezuelan Quotes) The Venezuelan people will never abandon the ideals President Chavez gave us. Modestly, we contribute to ensure the stability of the region  (Venezuelan Quotes) This generosity that has been offered to the United States says very much about the Venezuelan spirit  (Venezuelan Quotes) We’re proud of Venezuela and Venezuelan baseball. People in America don’t realize it, but we’ve got 25, 30 million people here, and so many of us love baseball. This is a great place to look for talent  (Venezuelan Quotes) Marlins Park is what I call my office in Miami, because I work for the Venezuelan Museum of Baseball and Hall of Fame. My job is to go to all the MLB stadiums and to talk to and collect articles from all the Venezuelan players in the big leagues and those Americans that played in Venezuela.  (Venezuelan Quotes)