Verge Quotes

Text Quotes
Between two worlds life hovers like a star, twixt night and morn, upon the horizon’s verge (Verge Quotes)
Here, on the river’s verge, I could be busy for months without changing my place, simply leaning a little more to right or left (Verge Quotes)
Every day of our lives we are on the verge of making those slight changes that would make all the difference (Verge Quotes)
It is a distortion, with something profoundly disloyal about it, to picture the human being as a teetering, fallible contraption, always needing, watching and patching, always on the verge of flapping to pieces (Verge Quotes)
I think the acquisition of consumers might be on the verge of being mapped. The battlefield is going to be retention and lifetime value (Verge Quotes)
It’s a lot easier, she realized, to be on the verge of something than to actually be it. This would still take time (Verge Quotes)
There is an hour of the afternoon when the plain is on the verge of saying something. It never says, or perhaps it says it infinitely, or perhaps we do not understand it, or we understand it and it is untranslatable as music (Verge Quotes)
You did not just say that. I have a feeling we’re on the verge of hugging and coming up with cute nicknames for each other (Verge Quotes)
In our endeavors to recall to memory something long forgotten, we often find ourselves upon the very verge of remembrance, without being able, in the end, to remember (Verge Quotes)
I have been on the verge of being an angel all my life, but it’s never happened yet (Verge Quotes)
I felt lethal, on the verge of frenzy. My nightly bloodlust overflowed into my days and I had to leave the city. My mask of sanity was a victim of impending slippage. This was the bone season for me and I needed a vacation (Verge Quotes)
When a man is on the verge of passing out from pain, it seemed wrong to notice how beautiful he was (Verge Quotes)
Do you know how, when you are on the verge of a breakdown, the world pounds in your ears; a rush of blood, of consequence? Do you now how it feels when the truth cuts your tongue to ribbons, and still you have to speak it? (Verge Quotes)
It’s much easier to write a solemn book than a funny book. It’s harder to make people laugh than it is to make them cry. People are always on the verge of tears (Verge Quotes)
I’m not used to girls, or familiar with their customs. I feel awkward around them, I don’t know what to say. I know the unspoken rules of boys, but with girls I sense that I am always on the verge of some unforeseen, calamitous blunder (Verge Quotes)
Her mouth is always on the verge of a smile. It makes her look like there’s always something amazing she needs to tell me, even when it’s just hello (Verge Quotes)
Keeping a smile on your lips even when you’re on the verge of tears. Feeling sorry for those who show their feelings (Verge Quotes)
If you ever feel like you’re on the verge of a nervous breakdown, just follow these simple rules: First, calm down; second, come over and wash my car; third, shine all my shoes. There, isn’t that better? (Verge Quotes)
Satan can make men dance upon the brink of hell as though they were on the verge of heaven (Verge Quotes)
America has become one of the foremost countries in regard to the depth of the abyss which lies between the handful of arrogant multimillionaires who wallow in filth and luxury, and the millions of working people who constantly live on the verge of pauperism (Verge Quotes)
If anyone on the verge of action should judge himself according to the outcome, he would never begin. Even though the result may gladden the whole world, that cannot help the hero; for he knows the result only when the whole thing is over, and that is not how he became a hero, but by virtue of the fact that he began (Verge Quotes)
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don’t know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip (Verge Quotes)
To my mind, what we ought to have maintained from the beginning was the strictest neutrality. If we had done this, I do not believe we would have been on the verge of war at the present time (Verge Quotes)
Throughout the whole vegetable, sensible, and rational world, whatever makes progress towards maturity, as soon as it has passed that point, begins to verge towards decay (Verge Quotes)
We’re on the verge of a financial collapse unless we balance the budget, and that means some really, really tough decisions (Verge Quotes)
The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art... We walked to the brink and we looked it in the face (Verge Quotes)
Filming ‘Doctor Who’ is so incredibly different to ‘Spooks.’ Near to the surface, there’s quite a silly atmosphere. A lot of the times, you’re on the verge of giggles because it’s so over the top (Verge Quotes)
For passion has come to the verge and leaps headlong to the blind abyss, yet gathers thereby the strength of deeps, and eddies a moment and swirls and sweeps till peril is one with bliss (Verge Quotes)
Faith consists in being vitally concerned with that ultimate reality to which I give the symbolical name of God. Whoever reflects earnestly on the meaning of life is on the verge of an act of faith (Verge Quotes)
We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis (Verge Quotes)