Veri Quotes

Text Quotes
Those who desire to certify miracles may wish to say that such recoveries have no natural explanation. But this does not at all mean that there is therefore a supernatural one (Veri Quotes)
His death has eclipsed the gaiety of nations, and impoverished the public stock of harmless pleasure (Veri Quotes)
The people who do make big discoveries are the ones who somehow manage to free themselves from conventional ways of thinking and to see the subject from a new perspective (Veri Quotes)
We all know the disappointments that come when we base anticipation on what we and other humans can deliver. God will never have a problem delivering! (Veri Quotes)
May those who are impoverished by their thoughts be blessed with the realization of the richness of their spirit (Veri Quotes)
True ideas are those that we can assimilate, validate, corroborate, and verify. False ideas are those that we cannot (Veri Quotes)
Beggars should be abolished entirely! Verily, it is annoying to give to them and it is annoying not to give to them (Veri Quotes)
An old author is constantly rediscovering himself in the more or less fossilized productions of his earlier years (Veri Quotes)
It is strange how we rebel against a platitude until suddenly in a different lingo it looms up again as the only verity (Veri Quotes)
The twisted circumstances under which we live is grist for the writing mill, the loving, hating and discovering, finding new handles for old pitchers (Veri Quotes)
The white world is feverishly anxious to know of our thoughts, our hopes, our dreams. Organization is our strongest weapon (Veri Quotes)
Discoveries are often made by not following instructions, by going off the main road, by trying the untried (Veri Quotes)
Secrecy is the soul of all great designs. Perhaps more has been effected by concealing our own intentions than by discovering those of our enemy (Veri Quotes)
The essence of living is discovering. Indeed, it is the joy of discovery that makes life worth the effort (Veri Quotes)
It is pride which fills the world with so much harshness and severity. We are rigorous to offenses as if we had never offended (Veri Quotes)
A book is a friend whose face is constantly changing. If you read it when you are recovering from an illness, and return to it years after, it is changed surely, with the change in yourself (Veri Quotes)
As nothing truly valuable can be attained without industry, so there can be no persevering industry without a deep sense of the value of time (Veri Quotes)
It is at once the thinnest and most effective of all the coverings under which duncedom sneaks and skulks (Veri Quotes)
An uncontrolled imagination may become as surely intoxicated by overindulgence as a toper may do bodily with strong drink (Veri Quotes)
Evil is a far more cunning and persevering propagandist than good, for it has no inward strength, and is driven to seek countenance and sympathy (Veri Quotes)
A man would have no pleasures in discovering all the beauties of the universe, even in heaven itself, unless he had a partner to whom he might communicate his joys (Veri Quotes)
In order to discover truth, we must be truthful ourselves, and must welcome those who point out our errors as heartily as those who approve and confirm our discoveries (Veri Quotes)
The precipitancy of disputation, and the stir and noise of passions that usually attend it, must needs be prejudicial to verity (Veri Quotes)
The divine wrath is slow indeed in vengeance, but it makes up for its tardiness by the severity of the punishment (Veri Quotes)
The habit of virtue cannot be formed in a closet. Habits are formed by acts of reason in a persevering struggle through temptation (Veri Quotes)
There are men born under that constellation which maketh them, I know not how, as unapt to enrich themselves as they are ready to impoverish others (Veri Quotes)
Beneath a shivering canopy reclined, of aspen leaves that wave without a wind, I love to lie, when lulling breezes stir the spiry cones that tremble on the fir (Veri Quotes)
If the minds of men were laid open, we should see but little difference between them and that of the fool; there are infinite reveries and numberless extravagancies pass through both (Veri Quotes)
Persevering mediocrity is much more respectable, and unspeakably more useful, than talented inconstancy (Veri Quotes)
Though the discoveries or acquisitions of man are not always adequate to the expectations of his pride, they are at least sufficient to animate his industry (Veri Quotes)