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Verisimilitude Quotes

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Merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative  (Verisimilitude Quotes) Novels must have verisimilitude, and truth has little enough of that  (Verisimilitude Quotes) We love bringing verisimilitude to audiences, hopefully having experiences you’ll never have  (Verisimilitude Quotes) It's not just that reporting gives you a bigger slice of life, gives - lends verisimilitude to what you are doing - it's that it feeds the imagination  (Verisimilitude Quotes) You can’t make a good show based on pure verisimilitude, pure anti-drama. But you have to acknowledge a lot of ordinary life. Most TV doesn’t do that  (Verisimilitude Quotes) Call Of Duty’ initially cut its teeth on World War II simulation stuff, and then we gradually advanced to the end of the Cold War, but you can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again. And I think that because ‘Call Of Duty’ cut its teeth on presenting ‘realism,’ in quotes... verisimilitude.  (Verisimilitude Quotes) The paradox of modernism is, writers make the decision to work with the continuous present, and to work with... stream of consciousness, as it’s called, for emotional reasons, and the main emotional reason is verisimilitude. I mean, this is what surprises people: Life is not in the simple past.  (Verisimilitude Quotes)