Vernon Howard Quotes

Text Quotes
When we associate with others we really associate with ourselves. We like or dislike in others whatever we like or dislike in ourselves (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Self righteousness loves to pounce on an evil which by sheer accident is not its particular evil (Vernon Howard Quotes)
The need to impress others causes half the world’s woes. Don’t add to them. Be real, not impressive (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Astonishingly, if you will have absolutely nothing to do with suffering, suffering will have nothing to do with you (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Remember that an answer to a difficulty resides at a higher level than our usual thinking, so seek this loftier level (Vernon Howard Quotes)
The less life in a person, the more he will try to live off your life (Vernon Howard Quotes)
The only way you’re going to have a good relationship with anyone is to have a good relationship with yourself (Vernon Howard Quotes)
The real prize is never delivered by memory or by imagination, but by something above them (Vernon Howard Quotes)
The power of the present moment is so immense it is capable - when lived in fully - of destroying forever every past mistake and regret (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Try to see what attitudes rule your day, then ask what kind of a day you usually have (Vernon Howard Quotes)
If we will repeatedly suffer the humiliation of admitting that we really do not know what we’re talking about, eventually we will (Vernon Howard Quotes)
No man is really interested in getting what he craves. He is really interested in being at peace with himself, but dosen’t know how (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Why do you permit a mere word to stand in your way? Forget the word difficult and take your next step (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Trying to command life without studying one’s own mind is like trying to play the piano without studying music (Vernon Howard Quotes)
You are not really bothered by what others think of you. You are bothered by what you think of yourself (Vernon Howard Quotes)
A person obsessed with the need to be happy will never be so. The obsession is the obstruction (Vernon Howard Quotes)
We cannot be free of nagging desires through suppression. This is like trying to keep a rubber boat beneath the water. But we remove compulsive desires altogether by understanding their nature (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Do not mistake desire for love. Desire leaves home in a frantic search for one gratification after another. Love is at home with itself (Vernon Howard Quotes)
One of society’s absurd delusions is that the spending of money can cure something (Vernon Howard Quotes)
The genuinely spiritual person is one who has lost all desire to be anyone but exactly who he is, without labels and without apologies. He is what he is and that’s all there’s is to it. Such a man is undivided, uncomplicated and contented (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Beauty is only skin deep, but it’s a valuable asset if you’re poor or haven’t any sense (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Can you think of anything more permanently elating than to know that you are on the right road at last? (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Quit thinking that you must halt before the barrier of inner negativity. You need not. You can crash through... whatever we see a negative state, that is where we can destroy it (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Remember above all that mental stability comes by examining the contents of the mind, not by avoidence (Vernon Howard Quotes)
We must become acquainted with our emotional household: we must see our feelings as they actually are, not as we assume they are. This breaks their hypnotic and damaging hold on us (Vernon Howard Quotes)
What you really want for yourself is always trying to break through, just as a cooling breeze flows through an open window on a hot day. Your part is to open the windows of your mind (Vernon Howard Quotes)
A perfect method for awakening is to examine the results of our daily actions. If they are harmful, we know we need more consciousness (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Procrastination is illogical from every viewpoint. It is like the man who wanted to cross the stream, so he sat on the bank to wait for all the water to run by (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Insight into the two selves within a man clears up many confusions and contradictions. It was our understanding that preceded our victory (Vernon Howard Quotes)
Inner guidance is heard like soft music in the night by those who have learned to listen (Vernon Howard Quotes)