Veronica Rossi Quotes

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You can’t be miserable when you’re running. It’s such a simple and pure way to feel alive (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
And it’s always better, isn’t it, when you discover answers on your own? (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
It was a message from her. A reminder - here among hundreds of people - of a moment that had been theirs alone (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
If he let himself feel it, the crack that ran through his heart would widen. It would break him, and he couldn't break. Not here. Not now (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
He felt like his body had a will of its own. Always looking. Preparing for the only fight that would satisfy him (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
We all have the potential to do terrible things. But we also have the potential to overcome our mistakes (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Grief was like the mud that covered them. Messy. Quickly spreading everywhere, once it found a way in (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Name one civilization led by two people - a pair. It doesn't happen. Do you know the fastest path to creating enemies? Forge a partnership (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
As subdued as the crowd seemed, the tempers wafting his way seethed with rage. The tides weren't defeated. They were dry kindling, just waiting for a spark (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Oh her deathbed, when her hands could no longer weave or paint or mold clay, she'd told stories and filled them with the colors she loved (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Without thinking, he reached for her hand. Tucked it against her chest, feeling that was where it should be. Perry's heart slammed against his ribs. She had to feel it (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
She found it curious and frightening that she could deeply dislike someone she didn't even know. It wasn't her. At least, it wasn't how she used to be (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
She'd fallen into a deep silence once, when the sun appeared, and it was then he'd wondered most what she was thinking (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
She absorbed the terror and beauty of him and his world. Of every moment over the past days. All of it, filling her up like the first breath she'd ever taken. And never had she loved life more (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Oh, this was champ. She'd found herself a Savage prince. Don't laugh, she told herself. Don't laugh, Aria (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
She'd survived the outside. She'd survived the Aether and cannibals and wolves. She knew how to love now, and how to let go. Whatever came next, she would survive it, too (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
His hand snapped shut over the device and then he crossed his arms. Aria stared in horror. Her Smarteye was buried in a Neanderthal's armpit (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
He'd pushed it back, where he'd kept the thought for weeks, but it wouldn't stay. Wouldn't stop. Wouldn't let him go (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
She could have lived every minute she'd had with him better. She should have always spoken the best words she could to him (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
I miss you. I miss you. I miss you, I miss you. Be ready, because when I see you, I'll never let you go again (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Love was like the waves in the sea, gentle and good sometimes, rough and terrible at others, but that it was endless and stronger than the sky and earth and everything in between (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Listen closely... this is the most important thing you need to know while you're here. Do not eat the haddock. They've been overcooking it terribly (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Perry's hand settled on her hip, his grip firm. She felt his kiss settle into something deeper as his mouth moved with more urgency over hers. Suddenly there was more heat between them (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
This is what I wanted tonight. Time away from the tribe with Liv and Perry, and even with Brooke. With no responsibilities and nothing to do except be (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Will you stay? I think I'd sleep better if you stayed here tonight. Then we could miss them together (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
At nearly six feet, she's only a few inches shorter than him and every bit as stubborn. At times like this I wonder if they're twins who were somehow born a year apart (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
She could look at him forever. She could spend her life watching him just blink and breathe that near to her (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Doubters don't mean a damn thing. I doubt it'll rain tomorrow, but that doesn't mean I control the rain. What I think has no bearing on what is. The wise ask questions, Perry. The weak doubt (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
Her hand holding his for a dozen paces. His, resting on the small of her back for a moment. Touches that had no real purpose but to say I'm here and we are together still (Veronica Rossi Quotes)
He brought a sense of rightness. She felt it every moment she spent with him. Even the wrong ones. Even the painful ones, like now (Veronica Rossi Quotes)