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No matter who the characters are, you can strip them down and find small universal truths  (Versal Quotes) Some values must be universal, like human rights and the equal worth of every human being  (Versal Quotes) We live in an age of universal investigation, and of exploration of the sources of all movements  (Versal Quotes) Only two classes of books are of universal appeal. The very best and the very worst  (Versal Quotes) Quotation is more universal and more ancient than one would perhaps believe  (Versal Quotes) To know the history of science is to recognize the mortality of any claim to universal truth  (Versal Quotes) The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice so pleasurable that I assume it must be evil  (Versal Quotes) Music is universal too. Even deaf people like to dance, love rhythm, and can kind of pick it up  (Versal Quotes) Truth is naturally universal... and shines into many different windows, though many are clouded  (Versal Quotes) No matter who we are, no matter what our circumstances, our feelings and emotions are universal  (Versal Quotes) There is your truth and there is my truth. As for the universal truth, it does not exist  (Versal Quotes) The most perfect society is that whose purpose is the universal and supreme happiness  (Versal Quotes) History is full of delightful reversals, where the opposite of what one predicts comes true  (Versal Quotes) The secret of a man who is universally interesting is that he is universally interested  (Versal Quotes) Rhythm is our universal mother tongue. It’s the language of the soul  (Versal Quotes) Let’s start therefore with a universal truth: leaders are fundamentally accountable  (Versal Quotes) ... combining the concrete and the universal is at the center of what makes art important  (Versal Quotes) The magic of fiction seems to be the more specific you are, the more universal you end up becoming  (Versal Quotes) Keep searchin’ for your mystery note on the universal piano of life  (Versal Quotes) The time for universal praise is sure to come some day. Let us begin to do our part now  (Versal Quotes) Universal rushed us. We started shooting without a script that was totally completed  (Versal Quotes) Time changes all things; there is no reason why language should escape this universal law  (Versal Quotes) ... I have great hopes for the possibility of a dynamic universalism that respects all our people  (Versal Quotes) The idea of imposing universal peace on the world by force is a barbarian fantasy  (Versal Quotes) The era of implementation has started. The world is now committed to universal treatment  (Versal Quotes) Someone once told me that movies are a universal passport. And its true, wherever you go  (Versal Quotes) A universal style is one that knows how to embrace lovingly those not quite developed  (Versal Quotes) Pain doesnt have a face and pain doesnt have a certain way of adjusting. Pain is universal  (Versal Quotes) The western is a universal frame within which it’s possible to comment on today  (Versal Quotes) Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface  (Versal Quotes)
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