Verse Quotes

Text Quotes
Oh to be my verse an answering gleam from higher radiance caught (Verse Quotes)
Women are not apt to be won by the charms of verse (Verse Quotes)
To this generation I would say: Memorize some bit of verse of truth or beauty (Verse Quotes)
Why do you need a voice when you have a verse? (Verse Quotes)
I dabbled in verse and it became my life (Verse Quotes)
Prose proposes, verse reverses (Verse Quotes)
Teenagers are free verse walking around on two legs (Verse Quotes)
Before verse can be human again it must learn to be brutal (Verse Quotes)
Nothing whips my blood like verse (Verse Quotes)
The vision and the faculty divine; Yet wanting the accomplishment of verse (Verse Quotes)
My features and my shows 10 times your pay 50k for a verse no album out (Verse Quotes)
A verse may finde him, who a sermon flies and turns delight into a sacrifice (Verse Quotes)
Prologues precede the piece in mournful verse, as undertakers walk before the hearse (Verse Quotes)
Sweet are the pleasures that to verse belong, and doubly sweet a brotherhood in song (Verse Quotes)
Verse libre; a device for making poetry easier to read and harder to write (Verse Quotes)
The clear French landscape is as pure as a verse of Racine (Verse Quotes)
Verse is a set of specially related sounds, repeated aloud (Verse Quotes)
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse (Verse Quotes)
You can’t enjoy light verse with a heavy heart (Verse Quotes)
But for a few phrases from his letters and an odd line or two of his verse, the poet walks gagged through his own biography (Verse Quotes)
Supporting God's Scriptural ability to give or restrain man's desires, Jerry Bridges points to an amazing verse tucked away in Exodus 34:24. As Israel's people abandon their defense entirely to have a feast before Him three times per year, God says the surrounding peoples will be entirely devoid of even the logical desire to possess their land (Verse Quotes)
Then my verse I dishonor, my pictures despise, my person degrade and my temper chastise; and the pen is my terror, the pencil my shame; and my talents I bury, and dead is my fame (Verse Quotes)
The adventitious beauty of poetry may be felt in the greater delight with a verse given in a happy quotation than in the poem (Verse Quotes)
When you translate poetry in particular, you're obliged to look at how the writer with whom you're working puts together words, sentences, phrases, the triple tension between the line of verse, the syntax and the sentence (Verse Quotes)
They say my verse is sad: no wonder. Its narrow measure spans rue for eternity, and sorrow not mine, but man's. This is for all ill-treated fellows unborn and unbegot, for them to read when they're in trouble and I am not (Verse Quotes)
Chaos is peace… blackness, blackness intolerable, before the beginning of the light. This is the first verse of genesis. Holy art thou, chaos, chaos, eternity, all contradictions in terms! (Verse Quotes)
In the dying world I come from, quotation is a national vice. No one would think of making an after - dinner speech without the help of poetry. It used to be the classics, now it's lyric verse (Verse Quotes)
Sometimes it ain't the drunk or the sinner who needs a shovel across the rear, it's the ones who could quote you chapter and verse about grace, but don't hand it out (Verse Quotes)
What's the Earth With all its art, verse, music, worth - compared with love, found, gained, and kept? (Verse Quotes)
Critics on verse, as squibs on triumphs wait, proclaim their glory, and augment the state; hot, envious, noisy, proud, the scribbling fry burn, hiss, and bounce, waste paper, ink, and die (Verse Quotes)