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Very Quotes

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If you're lucky enough to be different from everyone else, don't change  (Very Quotes) I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his house  (Very Quotes) Man starts over again everyday, in spite of all he knows, against all he knows  (Very Quotes) For every talent that poverty has stimulated it has blighted a hundred  (Very Quotes) Faith - you can do very little with it, but you can do nothing without it  (Very Quotes) You are where God wants you to be at this very moment. Every experience is part of His divine plan  (Very Quotes) True lovers in each happening of their hearts live longer than all which and every who;  (Very Quotes) Drop everything now. Meet me in the pouring rain. Kiss me on the sidewalk. Take away the pain  (Very Quotes) I have always known what I wanted, and that was beauty... in every form  (Very Quotes) She's my best friend of course i'm going to tell her everything you said  (Very Quotes) Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breathe  (Very Quotes) I keep myself busy with things to do, but everytime i pause, i still think of you  (Very Quotes) I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another  (Very Quotes) When you fall for their personality, everything else about them becomes beautiful  (Very Quotes) Every girl needs a best friend to help her laugh when she thinks she'll never smile again  (Very Quotes) Everyone has at least one unstable friend, i just happen to be that friend  (Very Quotes) I got my eyes on you, you're everything that i see. I want your hot love and emotion, endlessly  (Very Quotes) Every day i become a little more like my mother, and i couldn't be prouder  (Very Quotes) I told you I'll be ready in FIVE minutes stop, calling me every half hour  (Very Quotes) You can't control everything. Your hair was put on your head to remind you of that  (Very Quotes) Courtship is to marriage, as a very witty prologue to a very dull play  (Very Quotes) Everyone want happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't make a rainbow without a little rain  (Very Quotes) If I had a dollar for every time my dog made me smile I would be a millionaire  (Very Quotes) Everything you say to me takes me one step closer to the edge, and i'm about to break  (Very Quotes) And every time it feels like we're gonna make it, that's when it falls apart  (Very Quotes) Nothing exists except atoms and empty space, everything else is opinion  (Very Quotes) If you had the opportunity to drop everything and just leave, would you?  (Very Quotes) Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free  (Very Quotes) Once you start to dislike someone. Everything they do begins to annoy you  (Very Quotes) Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand  (Very Quotes)
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