Very Quotes

Text Quotes
I used to be a superhero. No one could touch me, not even myself. You are like a phone booth that I somehow stumbled into, And now look at me, I am just like everybody else (Very Quotes)
You've got your whole life to do something, and that's not very long. So why don't you give me a call when you're willing to fight for what you think is real, for what you think is right (Very Quotes)
So my heart finally broke. It was so long bent. And it broke in three places when it finally went. It wanted only to say what it meant. So it suffered every punishment (Very Quotes)
There's a crowd of people harbored in every person, there are so many roles that we play. And you've decided to love me for eternity. I'm still deciding who I want to be today (Very Quotes)
And everything seems to have gone terribly wrong that can. But one breath at a time is an acceptable plan, she tells herself (Very Quotes)
I always feel I have to take a stand, and there's always someone on hand to hate me for standing there. I always feel I have to open my mouth, and every time I do, I offend someone, somewhere (Very Quotes)
People used to make records, as in the record of an event, the event of people playing music in a room, and now everything's cross-marketing, its about sunglasses and shoes, or guns and drugs that you choose (Very Quotes)
Everybody gets everything handed to them. The rich inherit it. I don't mean just inheritance of money. I mean what people take for granted among the middle and upper classes, which is nepotism, the old-boy network (Very Quotes)
Everything I've ever done, in the writing world, has been to expand articulation, rather than to close it (Very Quotes)
I merged those two words, black and feminist, because I was surrounded by black women who were very tough and who always assumed they had to work and rear children and manage homes (Very Quotes)
No one ever talks about the moment you found that you were white. Or the moment you found out you were black. That's a profound revelation. The minute you find that out, something happens. You have to renegotiate everything (Very Quotes)
I know what every colored woman in this country is doing.... Dying. Just like me. But the difference is they dying like a stump. Me, I'm going down like one of those redwoods. I sure did live in this world (Very Quotes)
Everybody knew what she was called, but nobody anywhere knew her name. Disremembered and unaccounted for, she cannot be lost because no one is looking for her, and even if they were, how can they call her if they don't know her name? Although she has claim, she is not claimed (Very Quotes)
A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double (Very Quotes)
When a thing is said to be not worth refuting you may be sure that either it is flagrantly stupid - in which case all comment is superfluous - or it is something formidable, the very crux of the problem (Very Quotes)
Every peasant has a lawyer inside of him, just as every lawyer, no matter how urbane he may be, carries a peasant within himself (Very Quotes)
Apart from the fact there is no normal standard of health, nobody has proved that man is necessarily cheerful by nature. And further, man, by the very fact of being man, of possessing consciousness, is, in comparison with the ass or the crab, a diseased animal. Consciousness is a disease (Very Quotes)
And if it is grievous to be doomed one day to cease to be, perhaps it would be more grievous still to go on being always oneself, and no more than oneself, without being able to be at the same time other, without being able to be at the same time everything else, without being able to be all (Very Quotes)
Nothing is lost, nothing wholly passes away, for in some way or another everything is perpetuated; and everything, after passing through time, returns to eternity (Very Quotes)
The very same reason which one man may regard as a motive for taking care to prolong his life may be regarded by another man as a motive for shooting himself (Very Quotes)
There are really not many jobs that actually require a penis or a vagina, and all other occupations should be open to everyone (Very Quotes)
I think that maybe in every company today there is always at least one person who is going crazy slowly (Very Quotes)
If the chance ever comes to you to fall in love, grab it, every time. You might always live to regret it, but you won't find anything to beat it, and you won't know if it will come to you once more (Very Quotes)
There is wisdom in madness and strong probability of truth in all accusations, for people are complete and everybody is capable of everything (Very Quotes)
I never even realized I was Jewish until I was practically grown up. Or rather, I used to feel that everybody in the world was Jewish, which amounts to the same thing (Very Quotes)
Like Olympic medals and tennis trophies, all they signified was that the owner had done something of no benefit to anyone more capably than everyone else (Very Quotes)
However sugarcoated and ambiguous, every form of authoritarianism must start with a belief in some group's greater right to power, whether that right is justified by sex, race, class, religion or all four. However far it may expand, the progression inevitably rests on unequal power and airtight roles within the family (Very Quotes)
Only one enemy is worse than despair: indifference. In every area of human creativity, indifference is the enemy; indifference of evil is worse than evil, because it is also sterile (Very Quotes)
Every man is free to rise as far as he's able or willing, but the degree to which he thinks determines the degree to which he'll rise (Very Quotes)
Being an artist means ceasing to take seriously that very serious person we are when we are not an artist (Very Quotes)