Vice Quotes

Text Quotes
Authority, though it err like others, hath yet a kind of medicine in itself, that skins the vice of the top (Vice Quotes)
There is a heroism in crime as well as in virtue. Vice and infamy have their altars and their religion (Vice Quotes)
But what is liberty without wisdom, and without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils; for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint (Vice Quotes)
A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues (Vice Quotes)
Old age has deformities enough of its own. It should never add to them the deformity of vice (Vice Quotes)
Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue (Vice Quotes)
Happiness lies neither in vice nor in virtue; but in the manner we appreciate the one and the other, and the choice we make pursuant to our individual organization (Vice Quotes)
Four years of Jimmy Carter gave us two titanic Reagan landslides, peace and prosperity for eight blessed years - and even a third term for his feckless vice president, George H. W. Bush (Vice Quotes)
I remember when you could always rely on those little street kids to pop a few people for the latest Nikes, vice - President John said. Now people get mugged for Reeboks, for Adidas - for generics, for Christ's sake (Vice Quotes)
What a pity it is that we have no amusements in England but vice and religion! (Vice Quotes)
I don't doubt a number of those ballots, of those votes that were cast for me, probably were intended for Vice President Gore (Vice Quotes)
It is doubtless a vice to turn one's eyes inward too much, but I am my own comedy and tragedy (Vice Quotes)
Men imagine that they communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that virtue or vice emit a breath every moment (Vice Quotes)
There is a capacity of virtue in us, and there is a capacity of vice to make your blood creep (Vice Quotes)
The torpid artist seeks inspiration at any cost, by virtue or by vice, by friend or by fiend, by prayer or by wine (Vice Quotes)
There is no vice so simple but assumes some mark of virtue on his outward parts (Vice Quotes)
So if the players trust the coach, it's not a problem. If the players don't trust the coach, it is a problem, and vice versa (Vice Quotes)
Not that I have the power to clutch my hand When his fair angels would salute by palm, but for my hand, as unattempted yet, like a poor beggar, raileth on the rich. Well, whiles I am a beggar, I will rail and say there is no sin but to be rich; and being rich, my virtue then shall be To say there is no vice but beggary (Vice Quotes)
For there's no motion that tends to vice in man, but I affirm it is the woman's part (Vice Quotes)
What a commentary on civilization, when being alone is being suspect; when one has to apologize for it, make excuses, hide the fact that one practices it - like a secret vice (Vice Quotes)
It is not possible now to keep a young gentleman from vice by a total ignorance of it, unless you will all his life mew him up in a closet and never let him go into company (Vice Quotes)
This may sound a little improper, but when the Vice President and I are alone it's Colin and Dick (Vice Quotes)
Other vices make their own way; this makes way for all vices. He that is a drunkard is qualified for all vice (Vice Quotes)
If virtue accompany it, it is the heart's paradise; if vice associate it, it is the soul's purgatory (Vice Quotes)
What is vice but an enslaving habit and virtue but a human opinion? See God and do His will; walk in whatever path He shall trace for thy goings (Vice Quotes)
It is easy to distinguish the evil worked by sin and vice, but the trained eye sees also the evil done by self-righteous or self-regarding virtue (Vice Quotes)
What a commentary on our civilization, when being alone is considered suspect; when one has to apologize for it, make excuses, hide the fact that one practices it-like a secret vice! (Vice Quotes)
Vanity, I am sensible, is my cardinal vice and cardinal folly; and I am in continual danger, when in company, of being led an ignis fatuus chase by it (Vice Quotes)
I suppose the implication of that is the president and the vice president and myself and Colin Powell just fell off a turnip truck to take these jobs (Vice Quotes)
Of covetousness, we may truly say that it makes' both the Alpha and Omega in the devil's alphabet, and that it is the first vice in corrupt nature which moves, and the last which dies (Vice Quotes)