Vice Quotes

Text Quotes
We’ve had experiences where the president’s been shot, but never had a situation where the vice president shot somebody (Vice Quotes)
No vice exists which does not pretend to be more or less like some virtue, and which does not take advantage of this assumed resemblance (Vice Quotes)
The moral cement of all society is virtue; it unites and preserves, while vice separates and destroys (Vice Quotes)
There are some who write, talk, and think, so much about vice and virtue, that they have no time to practice either the one or the other (Vice Quotes)
A man in love prefers his passion to every other consideration, and is fonder of his mistress than he is of virtue. Should she prove vicious, she makes vice lovely in his eyes (Vice Quotes)
The fear of punishment may be necessary to the suppression of vice; but it also suspends the finer motives of virtue (Vice Quotes)
When the imagination is continually led to the brink of vice by a system of terror and denunciations, people fling themselves over the precipice from the mere dread of falling (Vice Quotes)
Virtue steals, like a guilty thing, into the secret haunts of vice and infamy, clings to their devoted victim, and will not be driven quite away. Nothing can destroy the human heart (Vice Quotes)
I see compassion may become a justice, though it be a weakness, I confess, and nearer a vice than a virtue (Vice Quotes)
It’s fun for me to be with someone who loves reading as much as I do, because he’ll give me things to read that I wouldn’t normally seek out, and I think vice versa (Vice Quotes)
Lust is a sharp spur to vice, which always putteth the affections into a false gallop (Vice Quotes)
The life of a good man is at the same time the most eloquent lesson of virtue and the most severe reproof of vice (Vice Quotes)
The greatest slave is not he who is ruled by a despot, great though that evil be, but he who is in the thrall of his own moral ignorance, selfishness, and vice (Vice Quotes)
The opposite of love? Vice. Temptation. The negative influences that we have. The bad energy that comes around us and makes us do certain things. To me, it’s always been a war between the two (Vice Quotes)
Everything that would begin to make somebody a good student would tend to make him or her a poor artist, and vice versa (Vice Quotes)
Affirmative precepts are distinguished from negative whenever one is not comprised in the other; thus, that of honoring parents does not comprise that of not killing, and vice versa (Vice Quotes)
All pleasure is a vice, for seeking pleasure is what everybody does in life, and the only dark vice is doing what everybody does (Vice Quotes)
For a government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is as absurd as it would be to declare truth to be a falsehood, or falsehood a truth (Vice Quotes)
The more precise the measurement of position, the more imprecise the measurement of momentum, and vice versa (Vice Quotes)
Virtue and vice are concepts invented by human beings, words for a morality which human beings arbitrarily devised (Vice Quotes)
You cannot give the vice president the authority to declassify specific information and then turn around and say he can just give carte blanche to an assistant of his to declassify whatever he wants (Vice Quotes)
The philosophers have always given truth a bill of divorce, by separating what nature has joined together and vice versa (Vice Quotes)
I think it is extremely interesting to think that, in some cases, vice might be, finally, more redemptive than virtue (Vice Quotes)
Socialism is humanity’s second nature. All politicians do is turn human vice into votes (Vice Quotes)
Jealousy, in spite of the mad frenzy of its most splendid displays, is a vice of weakness; it arises from a mind whose aspirations and desires are inferior to its accomplishments; it is the child of baulked vanity and failure of courage (Vice Quotes)
There’s not a comedy actor who doesn’t want a chance to do drama, and vice versa. As actors, we’re always looking to be pushed and to do the other side of the coin (Vice Quotes)
That virtue therefore which is but a youngling in the contemplation of evil, and knows not the utmost that vice promises to her followers, and rejects it, is but a blank virtue, not a pure; her whiteness is but an excremental whiteness (Vice Quotes)
Miserliness is the one vice that grows stronger with increasing years. It yields its sordid pleasures to the end (Vice Quotes)
It may be that vice, depravity, and crime are nearly always, or even perhaps always, in their essence, attempts to eat beauty, to eat what we should only look at (Vice Quotes)
Maintain a good balance. A personal life adds dimensions to your professional life and vice versa. It helps nurture creativity through a deeper understanding of yourself (Vice Quotes)