Vice Quotes

Text Quotes
Dali is like a man who hesitates between talent and genius, or, as one might once have said, between vice and virtue (Vice Quotes)
The vice president had a bargaining asset, however, that no ordinary person has: He was next in line to the presidency. I saw no chance that he would resign first, then take his chances on trial, conviction, and jail (Vice Quotes)
By vulgarity I mean that vice of civilization which makes man ashamed of himself and his next of kin, and pretend to be somebody else (Vice Quotes)
The sight of a drunkard is a better sermon against that vice than the best that was ever preached on that subject (Vice Quotes)
This is the great vice of academicism, that it is concerned with ideas rather than with thinking (Vice Quotes)
Certainly virtue is like precious odors, most fragrant when they are incensed, or crushed: for prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue (Vice Quotes)
Content thyself to be obscurely good. When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, the post of honor is a private station (Vice Quotes)
Here I am once more in this scene of dissipation and vice, and I begin already to find my morals corrupted (Vice Quotes)
There is no vice that doth so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious (Vice Quotes)
The peers just fill the air with their speeches. and from what I’ve seen, vice versa (Vice Quotes)
My worst vice is gluttony. I try to keep myself under control because I’m an athlete, but once a week I like to pig out and act like a normal person (Vice Quotes)
The only vice which cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy (Vice Quotes)
Again, there is a heroism in crime as well as in virtue. Vice and infamy have also their altars and their religion (Vice Quotes)
To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom (Vice Quotes)
Far from being a vice, cruelty is the primary feeling that nature imprints in us. The infant breaks its rattle, bites its nurse’s nipple, and strangles a bird, well before reaching the age of reason (Vice Quotes)
I have made love to ten thousand women since I was thirteen and a half. It wasn’t in any way a vice. I’ve no sexual vices. But I needed to communicate (Vice Quotes)
In plain truth, lying is an accursed vice. We are not men, nor have other tie upon one another, but by our word (Vice Quotes)
When I religiously confess myself to myself, I find that the best virtue I have has in it some tincture of vice (Vice Quotes)
It is the restrictions placed on vice by our social code which makes its pursuit so peculiarly agreeable (Vice Quotes)
Me, what’s that after all? An arbitrary limitation of being bounded by the people before and after and on either side. Where they leave off, I begin, and vice versa (Vice Quotes)
If he really thinks there is no distinction between vice and virtue, when he leaves our houses let us count our spoons (Vice Quotes)
As a stick, when once it is dry and stiff you may break it, but you can never bend it into a straighter posture; so doth the man become incorrigible who is settled and stiffened into vice (Vice Quotes)
We are more speedily and fatally corrupted by domestic examples of vice, and particularly when they are impressed on our minds as from authority (Vice Quotes)
Title and ancestry render a good man more illustrious, but an ill one more contemptible. Vice is infamous, though in a prince, and virtue honorable, though in a peasant (Vice Quotes)
Slander is perhaps the only vice which no circumstance can palliate, as well as being one which we are most ingenious in concealing from ourselves (Vice Quotes)
The common people do not judge of vice or virtue by morality or immorality, so much as by the stamp that is set upon it by men of figure (Vice Quotes)
As a neighboring funeral terrifies sick misers, and fear obliges them to have some regard for themselves; so, the disgrace of others will often deter tender minds from vice (Vice Quotes)
Cheerfulness is the friend and helper of all good graces, and the absence of it is certainly a vice (Vice Quotes)
Childish, imbecile carelessness is enough to render any man poor, without the aid of a single positive vice (Vice Quotes)
Profaneness is a brutal vice. He who indulges in it is no gentleman, I care not what his stamp may be in society; I care not what clothes he wears, or what culture he boasts (Vice Quotes)