Vicious Quotes

Text Quotes
I was always scared in the amateurs, but the minute I got in the ring it was like another person took over. I become more vicious. In there I love to hurt people. Outside I can’t hurt a bug (Vicious Quotes)
Not only do I never lie, I never respond to lies, no matter how vicious, no matter how hurtful (Vicious Quotes)
I’m actually tougher on myself as I get older. It’s a vicious cycle. The things that are important in life are the things that you can’t buy in life: love, health and happiness. I say that, and I believe that, and I try to live that (Vicious Quotes)
I can’t do comedy that is cutting and vicious. If I knew I’d said something that was going to make someone feel bad, well, that supersedes everything (Vicious Quotes)
Another source of fallacy is the vicious circle of illusions which consists on the one hand of believing what we see, and on the other in seeing what we believe (Vicious Quotes)
It’s a vicious cycle. While systems become denser, their energy efficiency has decreased. Devices are getting smaller and smaller, but they are getting hotter (Vicious Quotes)
An intelligent class can scarce ever be, as a class, vicious, and never, as a class, indolent. The excited mental activity operates as a counterpoise to the stimulus of sense and appetite (Vicious Quotes)
I enjoy writing in a lot of different styles, so I pushed to find that vicious place, or that vulnerable place, and let it exist as intensely as I could (Vicious Quotes)
I would hope to think my fans are full of attitude, are a bit vicious, and always fight for what they want. That’s exactly what I’m going to give them (Vicious Quotes)
In a boxing match, the fighters absorb some vicious blows because they’re ready for them. And usually, the knockout punch is the one they didn’t see coming (Vicious Quotes)
A man in love prefers his passion to every other consideration, and is fonder of his mistress than he is of virtue. Should she prove vicious, she makes vice lovely in his eyes (Vicious Quotes)
The problem is the people who tend to be the best organized are the most radical and the most vicious (Vicious Quotes)
So long as you believe that man is essentially evil in nature, and a more vicious doctrine was never promulgated, it follows that he is often going to need to have his ears slapped back, and who should do this but the clergy? (Vicious Quotes)
Politics is so personal, vicious and immediate, how are you going to get anything done? Even the local politics where I live have gotten so ugly (Vicious Quotes)
The subtlest and most vicious aspect of women’s oppression is that we have been conditioned to believe we are not oppressed, blinded so as not to see our own condition (Vicious Quotes)
My companion assumes to know my mood and habit of thought, and we go on from explanation to explanation, until all is said that words can, and we leave matters just as they were at first, because of that vicious assumption (Vicious Quotes)
No man is born wise; but wisdom and virtue require a tutor; though we can easily learn to be vicious without a master (Vicious Quotes)
Men are often so foolish as to boast and value themselves upon their passions, even those that are most vicious. But envy is a passion so full of cowardice and shame that no one every ever had the confidence to own it (Vicious Quotes)
I don’t care if the average guy on the street really knows what I’m like, as long as he knows I’m not really a mean, vicious guy. My friends and family know what I’m really like. That’s what’s important (Vicious Quotes)
I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office (Vicious Quotes)
Justice should remove the bandage from her eyes long enough to distinguish between the vicious and the unfortunate (Vicious Quotes)
The test of every religious, political, or educational system, is the man which it forms. If a system injures the intelligence it is bad. If it injures the character it is vicious. If it injures the conscience it is criminal (Vicious Quotes)
The example alone of a vicious prince will corrupt an age; but that of a good one will not reform it (Vicious Quotes)
Virtuous and vicious every man must be, few in the extreme, but all in the degree (Vicious Quotes)
The more virtuous any man is, the less easily does he suspect others to be vicious (Vicious Quotes)
Of course, looking tough on inflation is part of any central banker’s job description: if investors believe that inflation is going to get out of control, you end up with higher interest rates and capital flight, and a vicious circle quickly ensues (Vicious Quotes)
Why can’t women get along? Because we’re afraid. We’re afraid to be vulnerable. We’re afraid to be soft. We’re afraid to be hurt. But most of all, we’re afraid of our power. So we become controlling and aggressive and vicious (Vicious Quotes)
The true story is vicious and multiple and untrue after all. Why do you need it? Don’t ever ask for the true story (Vicious Quotes)
He was weary of the uncertainty of the vicious circle of that eternal war that always found him in the same place, but always older, wearier, even more in the position of not knowing why, or how, or even when (Vicious Quotes)
He realized... that the loudest are the least sincere, that arrogance is a quality of the ignorant, and that flatterers tend to be vicious (Vicious Quotes)