Vicious Quotes

Text Quotes
I want to punish them. I want that punishment to be so hard, so vicious that the next who takes their place wets himself at the mere thought of trying to fight me (Vicious Quotes)
The spiral is a spiritualized circle. In the spiral form, the circle, uncoiled, has ceased to be vicious; it has been set free (Vicious Quotes)
The causes of illusions are not pretty to discover. They’re either vicious or tragic (Vicious Quotes)
If the universe is meaningless, so is the statement that it is so. If this world is a vicious trap, so is its accuser, and the pot is calling the kettle black (Vicious Quotes)
It’s such a waste to be subtle and vicious with people who don’t even know that you’re being subtle and vicious (Vicious Quotes)
Little vicious minds abound with anger and revenge and are incapable of feeling te pleasure of forgiving their enemies (Vicious Quotes)
Those who are in love with the present can be cruel and corrupt but not genuinely vicious. They cannot be methodically and consistently ruthless (Vicious Quotes)
We need to exert ourselves that much more, and break out of the vicious cycle of dependence imposed on us by the financially powerful: those in command of immense market power and those who dare to fashion the world in their own image (Vicious Quotes)
We are in the grip of a scientific materialism, caught in a vicious cycle where our security today seems to depend on regimentation and weapons which will ruin us tomorrow (Vicious Quotes)
Not only are we here to protect the public from vicious criminals in the street but also to protect the public from harmful ideas (Vicious Quotes)
I think opinions should be judged by their influences and effects; and if a man holds none that tend to make him less virtuous or more vicious, it may be concluded that he holds none that are dangerous, which I hope is the case with me (Vicious Quotes)
The more people rationalize cheating, the more it becomes a culture of dishonesty. And that can become a vicious, downward cycle. Because suddenly, if everyone else is cheating, you feel a need to cheat, too (Vicious Quotes)
Ultimately, fear of failure generates a vicious circle that creates what is most feared. To break this cycle, you need to make peace with failure. It isn’t enough to merely tolerate it; you need to appreciate the failure and use it (Vicious Quotes)
He who befriends a man whose conduct is vicious, whose vision impure, and who is notoriously crooked, is rapidly ruined (Vicious Quotes)
If you hate your enemies, you will contract such a vicious habit of mind that it will break out upon those who are your friends, or those who are indifferent to you (Vicious Quotes)
These wonderful narrations inspired me with strange feelings. Was man, indeed, at once so powerful, so virtuous, and magnificent, yet so vicious and base? He appeared at one time a mere scion of the evil principle and at another as all that can be conceived of noble and godlike (Vicious Quotes)
I can’t answer either question. But the look she gives me reminds me of the look in the attack dog’s eyes in the aptitude test – a vicious, predatory stare. She wants to rip me to pieces. I can’t lie down in submission now. I have become an attack dog too (Vicious Quotes)
The fire you rubbed left its brand on the most vulnerable, most vicious and tender point of my body. Now I have to pay for your rasping the red rash too strongly, too soon, as charred wood has to pay for burning. When I remain without your caresses, I lose all control of my nerves, nothing exists any more than the ecstasy of friction, the abiding effect of your sting, of your delicious poison (Vicious Quotes)
Throughout it all, I loved her as much as I always had, and I found myself aching for those simpler times of the past. I knew what was happening, of course. As we were drifting apart, I was becoming more desperate to save what we once had shared; like a vicious circle, however, my desperation made us drift apart even further (Vicious Quotes)
Inflation is probably the most important single factor in that vicious circle wherein one kind of government action makes more and more government control necessary. For this reason all those who wish to stop the drift toward increasing government control should concentrate their effort on monetary policy (Vicious Quotes)
Most married couples, even though they love each other very much in theory, tend to view each other in practice as large teeming flaw colonies, the result of being that they get on each other’s nerves and regularly erupt into vicious emotional shouting matches over such issues as toaster settings (Vicious Quotes)
There is no doubt that, with the exception of a very small number of people close to a vicious regime, the people of Iraq have been liberated and they understand that they’ve been liberated (Vicious Quotes)
If we are surrounded by the trivial and the vicious, it is all too easy to make our peace with it (Vicious Quotes)
Affectation is certain deformity; by forming themselves on fantastic models, the young begin with being ridiculous, and often end in being vicious (Vicious Quotes)
You may be as vicious about me as you please. You will only do me justice (Vicious Quotes)
What did our nation ever do to provoke these madly vicious enemies? What is seen as injustice in one place is seen as just requital in the other (Vicious Quotes)
Any dog, you put him in the corner, no matter if they’re vicious or not, they’re going to bite back (Vicious Quotes)
You’ve got to be a little vicious. You’ve got to be narcissistic. You’ve got to be on fire about your career (Vicious Quotes)
I had called her up a couple of weeks before then, because I had heard this vicious rumour that she did not like the movie. It was very upsetting for me. I am very sensitive to that, because I am portraying her life and did not want her to be unhappy (Vicious Quotes)
Fights over ideas are the most vicious of all. If it were merely food, or water, or shelter, we would work something out. But in the realm of ideas one can become idealistic (Vicious Quotes)