Victim Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t view myself as a victim of gun violence. I view myself as a victim of a maniac who happened to use a gun as a tool, and I view myself as a victim of the legislators at the time who left me defenseless (Victim Quotes)
One victim lives in tragedy, another victim stops to stare, and still another walks on by pretending not to see (Victim Quotes)
Whoever criticizes capitalism, while approving immigration, whose working class is its first victim, had better shut up. Whoever criticizes immigration, while remaining silent about capitalism, should do the same (Victim Quotes)
Raise your hand if you’ve spent nights crying yourself to sleep, raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather hide in bed all day than face the people that make you feel small or powerless! Raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather lie to people than tell them the truth about who you really are, because at least you wouldn’t be the victim of hateful behavior or prejudice! And raise your hand if lying feels almost as bad (Victim Quotes)
I do think there are trends in your life once youve been auditioning long enough. I was the angry teenager and then the sweet victim (Victim Quotes)
Machida is not a bad guy; he’s a victim of the brazilian education system. There are better ways to get electrolytes than drinking piss (Victim Quotes)
Ultimately, any type of discipline is flawed because it keeps the person who is being disciplined inept. As long as the experience is happening to you, while it is imposed on you, it is not your dream. When discipline is administered externally, the participant is dependent on the administrator of the discipline. When discipline is administered internally, the athlete becomes a victim of the structure of the discipline. Either way, only the discipline, not the dream, is being pursued (Victim Quotes)
Today, refuse to see yourself as a recipient of negative vibrations or as a victim of subtle or gross influence around you. Practice broadcasting the high vibrations of your inner radiance remembering all the while that the place upon which you stand is holy simply because you are standing there (Victim Quotes)
There is nothing worse than having an enemy who is a total loser. It’s incredibly frustrating when seeking revenge against one, because you come to the realization that there is really nothing you can do to make the person’s life worse than it already is. They have nothing to take; there is no way to screw them over if you have been their victim. It’s maddening (Victim Quotes)
I hate to call it crossfire, what the rapid action battalion attributes for the custodial deaths, as there must be two parties in any such incident. But the reality is the just found body of the victim (Victim Quotes)
The term suicide is applied to all cases of death resulting directly or indirectly from a positive or negative act of the victim himself, which he knows will produce this result (Victim Quotes)
Remember, it’s your own body, your own brain. You’re not a victim of the universe, you are the universe (Victim Quotes)
Yes I pay taxes... There are no ethics in the face of coercion, that is blaming the victim. Focus on the man with the gun, not the man in the crosshairs trying to survive (Victim Quotes)
Since the social victim has been oppressed by society, he comes to feel that his individual life will be improved more by changes in society than by his own initiative. Without realizing it, he makes society rather than himself the agent of change. The power he finds in his victimization may lead him to collective action against society, but it also encourages passivity within the sphere of his personal life (Victim Quotes)
When you feel discouraged or simply lazy, as is bound to happen sometimes, remember the millions of people in the world who have not had your privilege. Remember the poor and obscure lives of those countless millions who suffer from every sort of deprivation and frequently find themselves the unwilling victim of wars, and a variety of cruelties, perpetuated by man on man. Is it not significant that the first bid for self realization, among the poor and downtrodden, is to assert their right to education? (Victim Quotes)
This pervasive idea that trans women deserve violence needs to be abolished. It’s a socially sanctioned practice of blaming the victim. We must begin blaming our culture, which stigmatizes, demeans, and strips trans women of their humanity (Victim Quotes)
In the last few days, I have been the victim of a campaign of slander and shameful lies, a campaign which has deeply shocked and hurt me. Enough is enough (Victim Quotes)
Only the development of his inner powers can offset the dangers inherent in man’s losing control of the tremendous natural forces at his disposal and becoming the victim of his own achievements (Victim Quotes)
A strong, successful man is not the victim of his environment. He creates favorable conditions. His own inherent force and energy compel things to turn out as he desires (Victim Quotes)
The conflict between what one is and who one is expected to be touches all of us. And sometimes, rather than reach for what one could be, we choose the comfort of the failed role, preferring to be the victim of circumstance, the person who didn’t have a chance (Victim Quotes)
Depending on their fondest memory of you, most people hold on so tightly to their fondest memory they don’t usually let you be anything greater than that. And that’s one of the things I think I allowed myself to be a victim of earlier in my career. What I learned as I got older is I decide. I decide what it’s like for me, not other people. You can be whatever you’d like to be. You just have to choose it (Victim Quotes)
If one lives in a country where racism is held valid and practiced in all ways of life eventually, no matter whether one is a racist or a victim, one comes to feel the absurdity of life... Racism generated from whites is first of all absurd. Racism creates absurdity among blacks as a defense mechanism (Victim Quotes)
If people base their identity on identifying with authority, freedom causes anxiety. They must then conceal the victim in themselves by resorting to violence against others (Victim Quotes)
Bureaucracies force us to practice nonsense. And if you rehearse nonsense, you may one day find yourself the victim of it (Victim Quotes)
Intercourse is an assertion of mastery, one that announces his own higher caste and proves it upon a victim who is expected to surrender, serve, and be satisfied (Victim Quotes)
There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim (Victim Quotes)
Women initiate most domestic violence, yet out of a thousand cases of domestic violence, maybe one is involving a man. And this has made a victim of culture out of women (Victim Quotes)
The real difference between telling what happened and telling a story about what happened is that instead of being a victim of our past, we become master of it (Victim Quotes)
A firm that continues to employ a previously successful strategy eventually and inevitably falls victim to a competitor (Victim Quotes)
Asking for advice about what you should write is a little like asking for help getting dressed. I can you tell you what I think looks good, but you have to wear it. And as every fashion victim knows, very few people look good in everything (Victim Quotes)