Victoria Osteen Quotes

Text Quotes
In fact, we have a choice of freedom of heart to follow God (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
Children are our future, and God loves the children (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
Even in the tough times, He’s still a good God (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
I bake a chocolate cake from scratch every week (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
I’d love my children no matter what (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
One of the most important things you can do in your life is to learn to pull back the curtain of fear so you can see it for what it really is - the enemy blowing a lot of smoke and pushing your buttons. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
Sometimes God presents opportunities that look insignificant or rather ordinary. Perhaps you don’t see how they fit into the big picture for your life. But if God is asking you to do something, He has a purpose for it. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
There are a lot of times that we feel like our hands are tied - ‘I have no control over if I’m going to lose my job.’ ‘I have no control over if I’m going to be able to pay my bills.’ You’ve got to realize that that’s where your trust comes in. You have to trust God, and keep your hope, because your hope is what produces your faith. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
When we step out in faith and use the talents He’s given us, we show that we trust God, that we believe He will bless our actions and cause us to succeed. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
Well, I - you know, the scripture says that God works by faith. And you have to have faith. You have to have trust in God so that God can work. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
God’s not thinking about your mistakes, failures or shortcomings. No, His thoughts toward you are good. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
I think that we have a great opportunity to impart our wisdom and our knowledge and our experience to this younger generation. It may be different times, but experience transcends time, and wisdom transcends time. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
We know what we are supposed to do and we don’t want to do it, so we do the exact opposite anyway. And, it never goes well for us when we do that. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
When you don’t look at the good things around you, that you lose sight of all those good things. And you’re not going to enjoy your life. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
At the end of day, what matters most to God, what moves His heart, isn’t our fancy words and impressive possessions - it’s the condition of our hearts. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
Let me encourage you, if someone has wronged you, and you still get that cringing feeling on the inside when you see or think about that person, take it to God and allow Him to keep your heart soft and sensitive. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
In life, we will always encounter difficult people. Don’t allow them to frustrate you or steal your joy. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
Just because you have a disagreement with your friends or family members does not mean there are not plenty of other areas on which you see eye to eye. It just means you have a difference of opinion. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
We are God’s creation, and we have a responsibility to keep ourselves at our best (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
God values you simply because He created you. You are precious to Him, and your value will never change. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
As much as you may want to, you can’t control what other people say or do; you can only control yourself. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
God’s not complicated - He’s really not. And He helps people in their everyday life so that they can get better in relationships, in their job situations, in getting through grief. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
Bitterness and unforgiveness block the flow of God’s blessing in your life and actually hinder your prayers. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
The challenges are gonna go, and your children are gonna grow, so try to enjoy this moment, and try to look at what’s good, and be grateful for what you have because you will see better days. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
As women, we’re nurturers by nature. We want to make sure everyone is happy. That’s a good thing, but we also have to put ourselves on that happiness list. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
When you have an optimistic attitude and you believe that God is guiding you, that you will find the good things in your life and that you will lead to good relationships and good people in your life. And you can make the most of what he’s given you. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
Relationships are people’s No. 1 priorities. They want to have good relationships, and a lot of times they don’t. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
Our life ripples out, and it has influence. That’s why it’s important that we’re at our best and that we’re influencing others for the good. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
When you receive God’s love and encouragement, it will empower you to do more than you ever thought possible. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)
The thing is, God has already seen every twist and turn of your life. He already knows what’s in your heart. He already knows the decisions you’ve made. He’s just waiting for you to call on Him and be honest with Him like Jonah was. (Victoria Osteen Quotes)