Videos Quotes

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I love watching other beauty girls on YouTube, so I get a lot of ideas through their videos. I also get plenty of requests from viewers, which is great. I can never run out of ideas! (Videos Quotes)
I guess you could say the beginning of my career as an actress was when I started performing in music videos. (Videos Quotes)
I have proven that being a perfectionist can be profitable and admirable when creating content across the board: in television, books, newspapers, radio, videos. (Videos Quotes)
I would love to direct videos and that’s what it keeps moving towards, but I have to stop being scared in order to do that. (Videos Quotes)
I think half the battle is just being comfortable in front of the camera - and I already am, doing so many videos and interviews, so then it just takes that extra step of trying to get into character. (Videos Quotes)
Viral videos aren’t just about being funny. They’re about identity creation. (Videos Quotes)
People don’t understand that when I’m on the show I’m totally relaxed, hanging out, having a fun time, watching videos, and being goofy. Sometimes I say stupid comments, just being funny, and people think I’m a dumb person. (Videos Quotes)
I think videos are really hard. I’m yet to be happy with a video. It’s very weird watching yourself on camera, which I guess I’m going to have to get used to. I love the thought of being in them, but it’s one thing to say that and another to actually do it. (Videos Quotes)
My photography changed from being more documentary-like to arranging things more, and that came into being partly because I started doing music videos, and I incorporated some things from the music videos into my photography again, by arranging things more. (Videos Quotes)
There seem to be a lot of black artists making very good videos that I’m surprised aren’t being used on MTV. (Videos Quotes)
Now everybody’s got a video camera, so go make videos with your friends or see if you can get a part in a film school thing that’s being done. (Videos Quotes)
I enjoy the videos with the sound off, where you can look at the belly buttons and everything. Really some pretty girls, but I don’t know about the music. (Videos Quotes)
I think the best music videos are the ones that have nothing to do with the song. Those are all my favorites. (Videos Quotes)
Use photos and videos often. The best startups post lots of imagery and videos. The worst ones? Text only. (Videos Quotes)
For all the power of video and film, I am not giving up my pen. I am just much more likely to try to link essays to webcasts or videos. The best way for these two media to move forward, to inform and make change, is in tandem; together they are more than the sum of their parts. (Videos Quotes)
There’s no real organised body, ... so through the internet people have spread their videos, spread photos, and spread word of a new urban movement. (Videos Quotes)
I’ve never had one of those amazing yoga bodies. My body is what it is. I am sure if I went on a crash diet, lost two stone and toned up I could make loads of money by making fitness videos and selling my story to the tabloids. But I don’t want to encourage women to be anything other than what they are. That’s very important to me. (Videos Quotes)
I’m an artist in residence, I’ve still been able to accept commercial jobs, and what I’ll do is I’ll make little videos on the side that I then bring back to the school and show the students the next day. (Videos Quotes)
It was very hard breaking into the film industry in Britain. I had been to art school, and I was painting and doing commercials. And I did some of the very first rock videos. (Videos Quotes)
Part of the reason I fell in love with dance so early was because of people like Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson, and Britney Spears. When they would dance onstage and in their videos, that was huge for me. I lived for that. (Videos Quotes)
I don’t want to direct music videos at all. Any work I do with a camera I’d like to be for a film. (Videos Quotes)
I was never interested in becoming an actor. I was directing videos. I was never into acting. I was into shooting music videos. I’ve only ever been behind the camera. Never in front of it. (Videos Quotes)
For whatever reason, whenever I’m having a get-together, I’ll turn on my projector and play YouTube videos of ‘Russian driving fails.’ Russians all have dashboard cameras in their cars, so there are all these videos of crazy wrecks and people almost getting hit in the street. It’s a conversation starter, for sure. (Videos Quotes)
One guy that really inspired me was Michael Jordan. I wouldn’t say that he inspired me as a sportsman, but I love going back and watching videos of him, especially how he conducts himself in interviews. He always seemed to be very careful about the words that he used and thought about everything differently to anybody else. (Videos Quotes)
Kids get caught up in technical and electronic things like games and videos when all we had were magazines. (Videos Quotes)
Robots already perform many functions, from making cars to defusing bombs - or, more menacingly, firing missiles. Children and adults play with toy robots, while vacuum-cleaning robots are sucking up dirt in a growing number of homes and - as evidenced by YouTube videos - entertaining cats. (Videos Quotes)
Every Friday, my dad would rent three videos. Me and my brother would ask for something with guns or fighting, but my dad would say, ‘Come on, think about it.’ He’d choose more involving films like ‘Pulp Fiction,’ and at the end of the night, we’d agree that they were great. (Videos Quotes)
There’s this other world where all comedians want to do is make funny videos. Typically what’s happened in the past is that a comedian gets a standup career and over the course of 20 years builds it up to the point where Comedy Central gives them a sketch show. (Videos Quotes)
I watched pretty much every coming out video on YouTube that has ever been posted; I watched it in between 14 and a half and 15. Those coming out videos, and those people on YouTube, those brave, brave, brave people on YouTube, without them, I don’t know where I’d be. (Videos Quotes)
With ‘Scratch,’ you create computer programs by snapping together graphical programming blocks, much like LEGO bricks, without any of the obscure syntax and punctuation of traditional programming languages. After creating an interactive ‘Scratch’ project, you can share it on the ‘Scratch’ website, just as you would share videos on YouTube. (Videos Quotes)