Vietnam Quotes

Text Quotes
Desert Storm was seen by the military establishment and by some politicians as avenging Vietnam, but it left behind dangerous illusions. The victory was so decisive, and information about it so carefully managed, that the American public was never clearly informed that it was purchased at the price of approximately 100,000 Iraqi lives. (Vietnam Quotes)
In America, it is reported by some sources that there were more domestic violence related murders in the home than the 58,000 Americans soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam War (Vietnam Quotes)
Don’t underlook the Sixties; we started eating more vegetables, respecting women, and we shut down Vietnam. We did a lot of good stuff. But it shouldn’t shut you down from the moment. (Vietnam Quotes)
One big, glaring difference I can think of between Iraq and Vietnam is the news coverage. During the Vietnam War era, you had TV coverage of the war saturating the airwaves every night, and that coverage wasn’t put through a military filter at all. (Vietnam Quotes)
I don’t claim to know Israel. I don’t speak Hebrew; my contacts are pretty limited. But I didn’t know Vietnam; I didn’t know Nicaragua, El Salvador or Honduras. It doesn’t mean you can’t reach your conclusions. (Vietnam Quotes)
As for Vietnam, what matters is that Kennedy successfully resisted pressure to send anything more than military advisers, a stance that was a likely prelude to complete withdrawal from the conflict. There is solid evidence of his eagerness to end America’s military role in that country’s civil war. (Vietnam Quotes)
One of the good things about the way the Gulf War ended in 1991 is, you’d see the Vietnam veterans marching with the Gulf War veterans. (Vietnam Quotes)
I’m a lad of the 60s. I started a magazine to try and end the Vietnam war, but it was a number of years before I had the profile, the financial resources and the time to do more. (Vietnam Quotes)
I think Americans understand that in Afghanistan, unlike in Iraq and Vietnam, we are fighting an enemy allied with the people who attacked us on 9/11. (Vietnam Quotes)
It is a fact that the Left routinely resists, then as now: Americans fought and died in Vietnam for freedom, just as they are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan today. Whatever mistakes generals and policymakers have made along the way cannot detract from that essential truth - which should be a part of any reliable history. (Vietnam Quotes)
I’ve always been interested in Vietnam, feel it’s a seminal event in our nation’s history, and have explored it over the years - but I hadn’t been interested in doing a documentary about it. I felt there had been a lot done about Vietnam, and didn’t know if I could add anything new to the discussion. (Vietnam Quotes)
Suicidal violence is not the exclusive property of the Muslim world. Suicide bombings were a tactic of nationalist struggles in 19th-century Europe and Russia, the far east during the second world war and the Vietnam war, and in modern Sri Lanka. (Vietnam Quotes)
We took a family trip to Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia over Christmas and New Year’s. Three weeks was a long time, but it was cool, man. We were on the ocean, so that was kind of intense. After a couple of days you realize how far out you are. (Vietnam Quotes)
I had lots of friends who were fighting in Vietnam and I am still friends with veterans of the war (Vietnam Quotes)
We must never forget that if the war in Vietnam is lost ... the right of free speech will be extinguished throughout the world. (Vietnam Quotes)
Emmy Lou Harris introduced me to the work of the Vietnam Veterans of America foundation and the Campaign for a Land Mine Free World. (Vietnam Quotes)
I support engagement, diplomacy, and trade with Cuba, China, Vietnam, and many countries with less than stellar human rights records, because I believe that once enslaved people taste freedom and see the products of capitalism, they will become hungry for freedom themselves. (Vietnam Quotes)
I was very young, and I remember this heated, passionate argument and trying to figure out some place called Vietnam, something called a Watergate, and some guy named Gerald Ford who my dad knew who had just become president, and how all these things fit together. (Vietnam Quotes)
The whole thing about whether you smoke marijuana or not is so ridiculous. That and whether you protested the Vietnam War. Give me a break. Especially the marijuana thing. (Vietnam Quotes)
They say actually every time I enter the ring, in a way, I`m going to the war. They say to me daily, you are a prized fighter, what`s the difference? And I like to say to those critics of the press and the others that there is one hell of a lot of difference in fighting in a ring and going to war in Vietnam. (Vietnam Quotes)
When my dad was in Vietnam, we lost a parent for a year. Thank God we didn’t lose a parent for good. (Vietnam Quotes)
In what is perhaps the strangest turn in the President’s efforts to rally support, he agreed that Iraq is just like Vietnam, but in a good way. (Vietnam Quotes)
Military school was great and especially great for leadership and then I spent two years in Vietnam. (Vietnam Quotes)
Under Malcolm Fraser’s Liberal governments in the 1970s, large numbers of refugees fleeing Vietnam in wretched boats were taken in without any great fuss. (Vietnam Quotes)
We learned some bad things, and the Vietnam War led to some bad conclusions. We’re not the greatest generation, that’s for sure. (Vietnam Quotes)
I have a band that I started with a buddy of mine, a Vietnam veteran pal named Kimo Williams from Chicago. (Vietnam Quotes)
I said to the president’s wife, Vietnam is the main reason we are having trouble with the youth of America. It is a war without explanation or reason. (Vietnam Quotes)
I know this: that in your own hearts and your own souls, you are as much responsible for the Vietnam War as I am for killing these people. (Vietnam Quotes)
Vietnam helped me to look at the horror and terror in the hearts of people and realize how we can’t aim guns and set booby traps for people we have never spoken a word to. That kind of impersonal violence mystifies me. (Vietnam Quotes)
In the winter of 1973, the American POWs held captive in Vietnam were released according to the terms of the Paris Peace Accords. (Vietnam Quotes)