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The important thing in my view is not to pin the blame for a mistake on somebody, but rather to find out what caused the mistake (View Quotes)
The view of life I communicate in my pictures excludes the sordid and ugly. I paint life as I would like it to be (View Quotes)
The act of giving voice to this spiritual suffering is, in my view, the sacred duty of the writer (View Quotes)
It is hard to work for years with pure motives, and all the time be looked upon by most of those to whom our lives are devoted as having some sinister object in view (View Quotes)
In our private lives in the last decade, we’ve gone through enormous change that has affected everything, from the way we do business to how we view intelligence and attention. We have to rethink it all in a more interactive, networked, and collaborative way (View Quotes)
My view is that if your philosophy is not unsettled daily then you are blind to all the universe has to offer (View Quotes)
It’s how you view the life inside you that creates the life outside of you. Everyday (View Quotes)
Sometimes people hurt us unintentionally. We may view that they’ve hurt us intentionally and want revenge. But sometimes when we really look back again, we can see that they weren’t intentional in trying to hurt us. That’s when we need to confess our judgment of them and forgive them for their unintentional hurts committed against us (View Quotes)
The calendar is intolerable to all wisdom, the horror of all astronomy, and a laughing stock from a mathematician’s point of view (View Quotes)
Humanity needs more than merely information. We express original ideas, humor, and our personal wills. We express passions and emotions. A person’s point of view conveys all of these aspects of identity (View Quotes)
Wherever we direct our view, we discover the melancholy proofs of our depravity; whether we look to ancient or modern times, to barbarous or civilized nations, to the conduct of the world around us, or to the monitor within the breast; whether we read, or hear, or act, or think, or feel, the same humiliating lesson is forced upon us (View Quotes)
I take a less gloomy view. A good life means fighting to be human under growing difficulties. A lot of young folk know this and fight very hard, but after a few years life gets easier for them and they think they’ve become completely human when they’ve only stopped trying. I stopped trying, but my life was so full of strenuous routines that I wouldn’t have noticed had it been not for my disease. My whole professional life was a diseased and grandiose attack on my humanity. It is an achievement to know that I am simply a wounded and dying man. Who can be more regal than a dying man? (View Quotes)
My art tends toward the literary. My pictures tend toward the outskirts of painting: But why generalize? It is possible to realize one thing or another, according to the impressions gained from one point of view or another. But it is too difficult to make a general rule (View Quotes)
I always tell women to use the fact that we offer a different point of view in a room full of men, to their advantage. Because we often stand out, we gain a unique platform to demonstrate our knowledge and capabilities (View Quotes)
You can drive a car by looking in the rear view mirror as long as nothing is ahead of you. Not enough software professionals are engaged in forward thinking (View Quotes)
He decided then that he would love her forever no matter what came to pass. It was not so much a matter of deciding as accepting the inevitability of it. It made him feel better, though he felt perturbed, too, worried that this kiss was wrong. But from his point of view, at fourteen years old, their love was entirely unavoidable. It had started on the day they’d clung to his glass box and kissed in the sea, and now it must go on forever. He felt certain of this (View Quotes)
Even the most daring and accomplished people have undergone tremendous difficulty. In fact, the more successful they became, the more they attributed their success to the lessons learned during their most difficult times. Adversity is our teacher. When we view adversity as a guide towards greater inner growth, we will then learn to accept the wisdom our soul came into this life to learn (View Quotes)
I have always tried... to lay before the colored race a cross section of it’s own life, to view the colored heart from close range (View Quotes)
The purpose of a college education is to give you the correct view of minorities, and the means to live as far away from them as possible (View Quotes)
It always blows me away when I see people freak out because I’ve changed my mind on something. I’m not an elected official, folks. I didn’t get my job by promising a bunch of things. I’m a businessman and a creator. If I don’t have the ability to change my mind, if I don’t have the ability to be open to different points of view, then I can’t do this job properly (View Quotes)
If a person is open to a new world view, it can often mean that he is not firmly rooted in the reality of the old world view; as a lunatic or alienated artist, his own neurotic traits can become magnified as they tremble with the new energy pouring in from the universal source (View Quotes)
We remain of the view that in many areas of research we are still reliant on primates to achieve our goals for improving human health (View Quotes)
Seen from the point of view of the composer, the most nonsensical practice is that of casting people in musicals who are unable to sing. No one would cast a dancing part with someone who cannot dance sufficiently to come up to professional standards. The same is true of acting. But when it comes to singing, more often than not it is amateur night... Either musicals should be written for specified performers in the first place, or they should be cast with people who are adequate to its dancing, acting and singing demands (View Quotes)
An interior designer must be able to clarify his intent keeping ever in mind that decorating is not a look, it’s a point of view (View Quotes)
Chess is a very positive way to exercise your mind. It makes you look at the whole picture... what are your options and what is the best thing to do? In football, you are mostly reacting from a defensive point of view... but you always want to be counterattacking... a similarity with chess strategy. Chess and offensive football are quite similar; you sacrifice something now to get something back later (View Quotes)
A unique relationship develops among team members who enter into dialogue regularly. They develop a deep trust that cannot help but carry over to discussions. They develop a richer understanding of the uniqueness of each person’s point of view (View Quotes)
The man who begins to speculate in stocks with the intention of making a fortune usually goes broke, whereas the man who trades with a view of getting good interest on his money sometimes gets rich (View Quotes)
If I had my personal view, perhaps that might take hold. In fact, I don’t want to see another dog or cat born (View Quotes)
Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs (View Quotes)
My view of the internet is that it is way overrated in what it’s done to date but considerably underrated in what it will do (View Quotes)