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Like everybody, I’ve had a lot of pain in my life and I’m a work in progress. You must have a true desire to see the world from a different point of view, and that comes with growing up (View Quotes)
Pretending that the world’s religions are the same does not make our world safer. Like all forms of ignorance, it makes our world more dangerous. What we need on this furiously religious planet is a realistic view of where religious rivals clash and where they can cooperate (View Quotes)
The particular province of the shaman is the province of soul, that which feeds our embodied life, or fails to feed it. From a shamanic point of view, the relationship with animal allies, or animals that show themselves in animal forms, is a vital part of living. We’re fully embodied, with full access to our natural soul energy (View Quotes)
Our point of view is, lets not be so elitist that we can’t honor good, hard, dignified, ennobling work: people working with their hands, building things, putting up solar panels, weatherizing homes, working on organic agriculture, building wind farms. We don’t have robots in society, so somebody has to do that work. Lets make sure that the people who can use that work get a chance to do it. I see that as a first step toward bigger and better things (View Quotes)
When the fire of your soul ignites the passion within your heart, don’t view it as an opportunity for success or failure, view it as an open door for miracles (View Quotes)
We’re in fact on plan. And where we stand today is not, in my view, only acceptable but truly remarkable (View Quotes)
I started young but at every turn, listening provided a foundation for my leadership. I can say categorically that all the really excellent leaders I have known were, in my view, excellent listeners (View Quotes)
As we have come to view teaching, it begins with an act of reason, continues with a process of reasoning, culminates in performances of imparting, eliciting, involving, or enticing, and is then thought about some more until the process can begin again (View Quotes)
In my view, if you have good or bad technique, it doesn’t matter. But you will survive if you can adjust your game at international level, you are mentally strong, you know your strengths and how to score runs (View Quotes)
When you have too many people and you’re trying to satisfy everybody’s input, you usually end up with something so incredibly generic that it has no point of view (View Quotes)
I ask the reader to remember that what is most obvious may be most worthy of analysis. Fertile vistas may open out when commonplace facts are examined from a fresh point of view (View Quotes)
One of the most productive things that we ever do in our lives is to think. To be able to think is to be able to decide, to judge, to have opinions and convictions, and to entertain a point of view. To be able to think is to be able to love, to believe, to work, to originate, and to organize (View Quotes)
I’ve found that wherever there is one cockroach in plain sight, many more are lurking behind the corner out of view (View Quotes)
My view of social media is that it is a set of tools, not a religion (View Quotes)
How we view ourselves can often determine the perspective and degree in which we see others and the world around us. Each and every one of us has a view. Such a view, that it can shape the future of others and how they live, dream and look towards the future that we all hope is better and more fruitful than our past. This I believe is a common initiative (View Quotes)
The little individualist, recognizing his individual impotence, realizing that he did not possess within himself even the basis of a moral judgement against his big brother, began to change his point of view. He no longer hoped to right all things by his individual efforts. He turned to the law, to the government, to the state (View Quotes)
Because you’re a crime writer you’re asked to have a point of view on a lot of things, and I’m uncomfortable having public opinions on things that are not my professional area (View Quotes)
I’ve always been fascinated by the idea that there’s no such thing as evil; it’s all in your point of view. To one group a suicide bomber is the antichrist and to one he’s a hero (View Quotes)
Just being with dogs, I learned their ways and began to appreciate things from their point of view (View Quotes)
Possibly the tragedy of the bicycle is that it was invented too close in time to the car. In the historical scheme, pedal power hardly got under way before the combustion engine appeared and, not only took over the roads, but changed our view of machines. We’ve forgotten that pedal power is a potent form of energy (View Quotes)
Mystery of mysteries, water and air are right there before us in the sea. Every time I view the sea, I feel a calming sense of security, as if visiting my ancestral home; I embark on a voyage of seeing (View Quotes)
We are all citizens of one world, we are all of one blood. To hate people because they were born in another country, because they speak a different language, or because they take a different view on this subject or that, is a great folly. Desist, I implore you, for we are all equally human... Let us have but one end in view: the welfare of humanity (View Quotes)
The prevailing view is that the easy way to stimulate economic growth is to have a low currency (View Quotes)
Pathos activates the eyes and ears to see and hear. At times of pathos, illness opens doors to a reality which is closed to a healthy point of view (View Quotes)
Every ignoramus imagines that all that exists, exists with a view to his individual sake; it is as if there were nothing that exists except him. And if something happens to him that is contrary to what he wishes, he makes the trenchant judgement that all that exists is an evil (View Quotes)
Water is to me, I confess, a phenomenon which continually awakens new feelings of wonder as often as I view it (View Quotes)
It seems to me that the evidence... is opposed to the view that the spirals are individual galaxies comparable with our own. In fact, there appears as yet no reason for modifying the tentative hypothesis that the spirals are not composed of typical stars at all, but are truly nebulous objects (View Quotes)
The student of biology is often struck with the feeling that historians, when dealing with the rise and fall of nations, do not generally view the phenomena from a sufficiently high biological standpoint. To me, at least, they seem to attach too much importance to individual rulers and soldiers, and to particular wars, policies, religions, and customs; while at the same time they make little attempt to extract the fundamental causes of national success or failure (View Quotes)
Activism is very seductive, and writing is painful and hard. It’s very scary to have a death threat living over your head. Activism is very sustaining. But I don’t view myself as a political person. I’m just someone who desperately wants to stay alive (View Quotes)
As both a scientist and a humanist myself, I have struggled to understand different claims to knowledge, and I have eventually come to a formulation of the kind of religious belief that would, in my view, be compatible with science (View Quotes)