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The view that a peptic ulcer may be the hole in a man’s stomach through which he crawls to escape from his wife has fairly wide acceptance (View Quotes)
From my point of view, a book is a literary prescription put up for the benefit of someone who needs it (View Quotes)
Most people, upon reaching the top, look down and enjoy the view. The smart money is on looking up and finding new mountains to climb (View Quotes)
It is, in my view, the duty of an apple to be crisp and crunchable, but a pear should have such a texture as leads to silent consumption (View Quotes)
There is this view that if you are not tormented you cannot be vital and creative. I would like to think that is not true (View Quotes)
He looked up from it at the stars again, and the view was warped and distorted by something in his eyes, which at first he thought was rain (View Quotes)
My father was a proctologist; my mother was an abstract artist. That’s how I view the world (View Quotes)
Embellish truth only with a view to gain it the more full and free admission into your hearer’s minds; and your ornaments will, in that case, be simple, masculine, natural (View Quotes)
The nervous strain was far heavier in the case of our men who carried out the executions than in that of their victims. From the psychological point of view they had a terrible time (View Quotes)
Art has no end in view save the emphasising and recording in the most effective way some strongly felt interest or affection (View Quotes)
You can talk to the man. He is reasonable, and sees your point of view, if you point it out properly (View Quotes)
We always did feel the same, we just saw it from a different point of view (View Quotes)
The role of art is to give food for thought, to act as a stimulant, to entice the onlooker to inspect things, people, emotions, from a new point of view (View Quotes)
It is my view that a vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind (View Quotes)
I view my own body as a petting zoo. I am the main attraction... And the only customer (View Quotes)
If you look at the drug war from a purely economic point of view, the role of the government is to protect the drug cartel. That’s literally true (View Quotes)
Naturalism has been defined by many people. It’s just a world view that does not include the supernatural so it’s everything else (View Quotes)
The abundance of our definitive words about God shows that we don’t view him as a great mystery anymore, but as a sterile calculation without ambiguity or obscurity (View Quotes)
Consider the case of a person who holds a view with probability 1. Then coherence says that it is no use having a debate with them because nothing will change their mind (View Quotes)
Once you’ve thrown your pilot chute, you’re done. It’s out of your hands. From that moment on you just enjoy the view or panic (View Quotes)
In conceiving a cognizable injury from the viewpoint of the reasonable rapist, the rape law affirmatively rewards men with acquittals for not comprehending women’s point of view on sexual encounters (View Quotes)
Looking at bargains from a purely commercial point of view, someone is always cheated, but looked at with the simple eye both seller and buyer always win (View Quotes)
Insects have their own point of view about civilization a man thinks he amounts to a great deal but to a flea or a mosquito a human being is merely something good to eat (View Quotes)
Pleasantry is never good on serious points, because it always regards subjects in that point of view in which it is not the purpose to consider them (View Quotes)
From the point of view of the playwright, then, the essence of a tragedy, or even of a serious play, is the spiritual awakening, or regeneration, of his hero (View Quotes)
Come to think of it, just about every tool was shaped like either a weenie or a pistol, depending on your point of view (View Quotes)
I find the remark, tis distance lends enchantment to the view is no less true of the political than of the natural world (View Quotes)
What is the use of straining after an amiable view of things, when a cynical view is most likely to be the true one? (View Quotes)
My characters never die screaming in rage. They attempt to pull themselves back together and go on. and that’s basically a conservative view of life (View Quotes)
Accept failure as a normal part of living. View it as part of the process of exploring your world; make a note of its lessons and move on (View Quotes)