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Reticence may be an elderly doctrine to preach, yet from the artistic point of view I am sure it is a sound one. Reticence conduces to effect, blatancy ruins it (View Quotes)
The arms race is based on an optimistic view of technology and a pessimistic view of man. It assumes there is no limit to the ingenuity of science and no limit to the deviltry of human beings (View Quotes)
Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things (View Quotes)
The greatest significance of the present student generation is that it is through them that the point of view of the subjugated is finally and inexorably being expressed (View Quotes)
Those who, from the desire of our perfection, have the keenest eye far our faults generally compensate for it by taking a higher view of our merits than we deserve (View Quotes)
I view my strongest competition as myself. You’re always trying to top yourself, rather than worrying about what other people are doing (View Quotes)
Actually, since I’m gay I think I should count for two guys instead of just one. I mean, in me you get the male point of view and you don’t have to worry about me wanting to touch your boobies (View Quotes)
Writing is like sausage making in my view; you’ll all be happier in the end if you just eat the final product without knowing what’s gone into it (View Quotes)
To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries (View Quotes)
There is nothing that living things do that cannot be understood from the point of view that they are made of atoms acting according to the laws of physics (View Quotes)
All too many churchmen view the undisciplined and amoral products of statist education as evidences of the failure of these schools. On the contrary, they are evidences of their success (View Quotes)
Does truth prevail more if we are not on speaking terms with those whose view of truth differs from ours (View Quotes)
Our reporters do not cover stories from their point of view. They are presenting them from nobodys point of view (View Quotes)
You do not move ahead by constantly looking in a rear view mirror. The past is a rudder to guide you, not an anchor to drag you. We must learn from the past but not live in the past (View Quotes)
The issue ultimately involved is whether there is a source of truth higher than, and independent of, man; and the answer to the question is decisive for one’s view of the nature and destiny of man (View Quotes)
The behaviorist advances the view that what the psychologists have hitherto called thought is in short nothing but talking to ourselves (View Quotes)
At the heart of my argument is the view that religious faith, far from being inevitably on the side of the status quo, should on principle hold this world to higher standards (View Quotes)
One of the principal objects of theoretical research in my department of knowledge is to find the point of view from which the subject appears in its greatest simplicity (View Quotes)
Any mature, spiritually sensitive view of marriage must be built on the foundation of mature love rather than romanticism. But this immediately casts us into a countercultural pursuit (View Quotes)
Outsiders have the intuitive ability to continually view problems in fresh ways and to identify ineffective practices and traditions (View Quotes)
The more people see that they are being understood, they become more motivated to understand your point of view (View Quotes)
Patience helps us to view imperfections in others more generously to the end that we may learn to be more wise than they have been (View Quotes)
Abstract thinking leads to greater creativity... But in our businesses and our lives, we often do the opposite. We intensify our focus rather than widen our view (View Quotes)
If our view is limited to mortal life, some things become unbearable because they seem so unfair and so permanent (View Quotes)
Political and social history are in my view two aspects of the same process. Social life loses half its interest and political movements lose most of their meaning if they are considered separately (View Quotes)
We should view our government the way we should a friendly, cuddly lion. Just because he’s friendly and cuddly shouldn’t blind us to the fact that he’s still got teeth and claws (View Quotes)
The piece of equipment I’m most found off is my telescope. The other night I had a superb view of the moon (View Quotes)
I think I feel rather differently about sympathy to what seems the normal view. I like just to feel it is there, but not always expressed (View Quotes)
But for me, from my point of view, I don’t mind if it falls over... if you break the glass you replace the glass, if the sheep falls out you can always get a new sheep (View Quotes)
Art has no cosmology, it gives us no view of the universe; every distinct work of art gives us a little cosmology of its own, and no ingenuity will combine all these into a single whole (View Quotes)