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I don’t actually subscribe to the view that all power corrupts. But absolute power - when secured on the back of massive parliamentary majorities, which don’t reflect the balance of political opinion in the country - can corrupt absolutely (View Quotes)
I refuse to accept the view . . . that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality (View Quotes)
We must seek to understand the intent of communication without prejudging or rejecting the content... Communication, after all, is not so much a matter of intellect as it is of trust and acceptance of others, of their ideas and feelings, acceptance of the fact that they’re different, and that from their point of view, they are right (View Quotes)
I take the view that anything you can do to relieve suffering or improve human health will usually be widely accepted by the public - that is to say, if cloning actually turned out to be solving some problems and was useful to people, I think it would be accepted (View Quotes)
I have hidden my race for 22 books. I have hidden behind my married name, which is very Caucasian, because I didn’t feel safe coming out with it. I didn’t feel that the market would really accept me. I think I felt it’s time to start bringing in an Asian-American point of view (View Quotes)
I just have a sense that, you know, I’m curious about what is religion about, you know? Why do some of us still engage it? It’s not because it’s a set of old beliefs or old ideas. Or even, particularly, the view that this is the only true religion. Many of us no longer accept those views (View Quotes)
I think one important thing that happens in the studio is accepting yourself as the enemy and painting from that point of view. So instead of pointing the finger outward and passing judgment, instead, you start with yourself as your own worst enemy (View Quotes)
To read the report of a discussion in which arguments for and against are presented, in which a subject has been covered from different points of view, with new ideas advanced - this is far more instructive than to read a brief account of the resolution passed on the matter (View Quotes)
Science is expanding, and with it our vision of the universe. although this new and constantly changing view may not always give us comfort, it does have the virtue of truth according to our most effective resources for acquiring knowledge. No philosophy, moral outlook, or religion can be inconsistent with the findings of science and hope to endure among educated people (View Quotes)
Somebody said something really smart: It’s like you end up being the defense attorney for your role. Your job is to defend their point of view. You’re fighting for what they want. You learn that in acting school - it’s Acting 1A: ‘What do you want? What’s in the way?’ (View Quotes)
From the point of view of being in the public radar, comedians have less problems than other actors. Action movie stars like Stallone or Schwarzenegger usually attract the more aggressive fans (View Quotes)
Both fact and logic seem to me to support the view that savings invested in privately owned economic tools of production amount to an act of charity. And further, I believe it to be - as a type - the greatest economic charity of all. (View Quotes)
When you’re dealing with a problem as complex as autism, you have to look at it from many different points of view and assemble evidence from many different vantage points. Biological evidence in humans and in animals, toxicologic evidence, how does the body deal with toxins, and evidence looking at the actual experience in populations. (View Quotes)
Today it’s fashionable to talk about the New Economy, or the Information Economy, or the Knowledge Economy. But when I think about the imperatives of this market, I view today’s economy as the Value Economy. Adding value has become more than just a sound business principle; it is both the common denominator and the competitive edge. (View Quotes)
Some of my best experiences are with writer/directors. Guy Ritchie is one. I feel they have a clearer view of what they want to do. They haven’t got to try and interpret someone’s writing; it’s all theirs. I really admire that. (View Quotes)
It actually got me upset reading about adopted children. They become junkies or criminals or actors. I wanted to write a book from the children’s point of view. (View Quotes)
We are not learning to view ourselves as an advanced, evolving civilization. That is what we really must learn to do, in due course, if we were to survive. All of that will take place, in due course, and we will be able to explore solar system. We will be able to go beyond it, provided we get our act together and learn to live as a civilization. (View Quotes)
I’ve completed half of my space training at Space City in Moscow. I love adventure, and I’ve been training in a centrifuge and MiG Fighter with a view to going into space and being a spokesman for space exploration! (View Quotes)
I’m afraid I take ... this rather clinical view of love: it’s saving you from madness. I’m not so enthusiastic as other poets have been. (View Quotes)
Mission: Impossible’ is fun. But for myself as an artist, I’m really more concerned with the human condition, the human experience, especially from an African American point of view. (View Quotes)
We view South Africa as one of our closest strategic partners in the developing world and in the African continent. (View Quotes)
One thing about Guantánamo, beyond anything else, is the commitment against all odds to allow Americans to view themselves as the good guy, no matter what the situation is. (View Quotes)
You will always have partial points of view, and you’ll always have the story behind the story that hasn’t come out yet. And any form of journalism you’re involved with is going to be up against a biased viewpoint and partial knowledge. (View Quotes)
At a very young age, I was influenced enormously by Julio Cortazar or Carlos Fuentes. In that literature, there’s always an exploration of different perspectives, points of view. (View Quotes)
As all human beings are, in my view, creatures of God’s design, we must respect all other human beings. That does not mean I have to agree with their choices or agree with their opinions, but indeed I respect them as human beings. (View Quotes)
My first introduction to New Orleans was from the air, flying high over the city with a view of the land - and water - below. (View Quotes)
The United States does not view our authority to use military force against Al Qaeda as being restricted solely to ‘hot’ battlefields like Afghanistan. (View Quotes)
I’ve never read a book [ Nnedi Okorafor’s Lagoon] like it before. Big and sprawling with a million points of view, including sea creatures. It’s about an alien invasion that starts in Lagos, Nigeria but, really, that’s just the starting point. (View Quotes)
Emotions weren’t like washing. There was no call to peg them out for all the world to view. (View Quotes)
I’m open to all religions. Respecting Scientology is just like respecting any other religious view. (View Quotes)