Viewpoint Quotes
Text Quotes
It is very distressing that anyone would look at these matters from a political viewpoint. Core beliefs about when life begins and ends are far too important for any such calculations (Viewpoint Quotes)
In conceiving a cognizable injury from the viewpoint of the reasonable rapist, the rape law affirmatively rewards men with acquittals for not comprehending women’s point of view on sexual encounters (Viewpoint Quotes)
Sometimes only a change of viewpoint is needed to convert a tiresome duty into an interesting opportunity (Viewpoint Quotes)
Success is a matter of viewpoint. The pessimist sees the bottle as half empty. The optimist sees it as half full (Viewpoint Quotes)
I have a huge emotional attachment to characters I’ve created, especially the viewpoint characters (Viewpoint Quotes)
It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow’s viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences (Viewpoint Quotes)
No one in the world can take the place of your mother. Right or wrong, from her viewpoint you are always right. She may scold you for little things, but never for the big ones (Viewpoint Quotes)
A historian can never claim to have the last word on anything as he is limited by his sources and further so by his viewpoint (Viewpoint Quotes)
From the strictest humanitarian viewpoint, any attempt to stop the processes by which over crowded cities purge themselves is not a kindness (Viewpoint Quotes)
The next time you make a snap judgment about a situation, take a few moments to understand an opposing viewpoint (Viewpoint Quotes)
I don’t think anything changes until ideas change. The usual American viewpoint is to believe that something is wrong with the person (Viewpoint Quotes)
In opera, everyone’s watching from a fixed viewpoint, and that really challenges you. Lighting, the sets, stage groupings, the music - but doesn’t relate too much to film (Viewpoint Quotes)
When you’re up in Maine, there is Canada, I mean it’s looking right at you; it’s a different viewpoint (Viewpoint Quotes)
I was competing for attention in a four-piece band that was phenomenal, and I was trying to attack the blues from a kind of white English viewpoint as a singer (Viewpoint Quotes)
Discussing a problem with yourself is almost never a good way to secure a divergent viewpoint (Viewpoint Quotes)
Ideas are the old-age of art. Artists have to keep young; they must not think too much - thought is death, while art is life. Such was Emile’s viewpoint (Viewpoint Quotes)
One thing about liberals: It doesn’t even occur to them that there is another side to an argument. They are so convinced of the righteousness of their own position that it doesn’t dawn on them that a reasonable person might have a different viewpoint (Viewpoint Quotes)
Mr. John Coleman, who invented the Weather Channel, represents over 30,000 scientists who cannot get their voices heard on the main stream media, since they hold a viewpoint on Global Warming that runs opposite to the government and media template. The voices of reason are being suppressed (Viewpoint Quotes)
To try and imagine that I’m another person is always going to be hard - whether I’m writing about a truck driver or someone who is gay, who’s trans, who is of a different ethnicity or creed. But it would be boring if I always had to write about myself and my limited viewpoint (Viewpoint Quotes)
As a practical matter, I like the dramatic monologue for its compelling intimacy. To be inside one’s character, to register his or her every vagrant thought, emotion, and response - the first-person viewpoint grants this privilege and immediacy (Viewpoint Quotes)
You will always have partial points of view, and you’ll always have the story behind the story that hasn’t come out yet. And any form of journalism you’re involved with is going to be up against a biased viewpoint and partial knowledge. (Viewpoint Quotes)
The mainland Chinese tend to take a Chinese mainland point of view on controversial issues, and the Taiwanese take another the Taiwanese viewpoint. (Viewpoint Quotes)
We’ve reached a point where we are not a very empathetic people, and art without empathy is art without an audience. My basic viewpoint is that without art we’re alone. (Viewpoint Quotes)
Writing for children, you do bear a responsibility to not include overt or graphic adult content that they are not ready for and don’t need, or to address adult concepts or themes from an oblique angle or a child’s limited viewpoint, with appropriate context, without being graphic or distressing. (Viewpoint Quotes)
I am a storyteller from a personal viewpoint. When I run out of people I invent ghosts. I don’t believe in ghosts. Never saw one. (Viewpoint Quotes)
When I was young, I had a very clear point of view on things in life, on moral questions. There was a black and white viewpoint on my world. As I’ve gotten older, I see the grey areas appear. (Viewpoint Quotes)
The institutionalization of Black Studies, Feminist Studies, all of these things, led to a sense that the struggle was over for a lot of people and that one did not have to continue the personal consciousness-raising and changing of one’s viewpoint. (Viewpoint Quotes)
The hazing experience and then the subsequent participation in the group forces its members to maintain the status quo and traditions at all costs. It demands mindlessness and unquestioned loyalty, resulting in boring people who have little ability to think for themselves or have an opposing viewpoint from those who have the most social power. (Viewpoint Quotes)
I think we foreshorten our own viewpoint if we consider any state of mind, or society, or government as final. Growth and change! We can’t get away from them. (Viewpoint Quotes)
We form cities in order to enhance interaction, to facilitate growth, wealth creation, ideas, innovation, but in so doing, we create, from a physicist’s viewpoint, entropy. (Viewpoint Quotes)