Vili Quotes

Text Quotes
I have, for many years past, contemplated the noble races of red men who are now spread over these trackless forests and boundless prairies, melting away at the approach of civilization (Vili Quotes)
Civilization, to be worthy of the name, must afford other methods of settling human differences than those of blood letting (Vili Quotes)
The high point of civilization is that you can hate me and I can hate you but we develop an etiquette that allows us to deal with each other because if we acted solely upon our impulse we’d probably go to war (Vili Quotes)
The new meaning of soul is creativity and mysticism. These will become the foundation of the new psychological type and with him or her will come the new civilization (Vili Quotes)
It has been well said that tea is suggestive of a thousand wants, from which spring the decencies and luxuries of civilization (Vili Quotes)
What I am more concerned about is whether our whole civilization will be around in the next 25 years (Vili Quotes)
The line of least resistance in the progress of civilization is to make that theoretical postulate real by the continually increasing force of the world’s public opinion (Vili Quotes)
This is the reality of nuclear weapons: they may trigger a world war; a war which, unlike previous ones, destroys all of civilization (Vili Quotes)
The only hope is that our civilization will collapse at a certain point, as always happens in history. Then, out of barbarity, a renaissance (Vili Quotes)
The destruction of civilian hamlets, the killing and the wounding of civilians, became vastly greater than it had been before, and it was very upsetting; but I still couldnt bring myself to understand that the policy itself was wrong (Vili Quotes)
On a group of theories one can found a school; but on a group of values one can found a culture, a civilization, a new way of living together among men (Vili Quotes)
The true law of the race is progress and development. Whenever civilization pauses in the march of conquest, it is overthrown by the barbarian (Vili Quotes)
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure (Vili Quotes)
A knowledge of the forces that rule society, of the causes that have produced its upheavals, and of society’s resources for promoting healthy progress has become of vital concern to our civilization (Vili Quotes)
Some scholars have been arguing that a civilizational clash between organized religions is the next step in human history (Vili Quotes)
Our civilization is still in a middle stage, scarcely beast, in that it is no longer wholly guided by instinct; scarcely human, in that it is not yet wholly guided by reason (Vili Quotes)
All over the world the wildlife that I write about is in grave danger. It is being exterminated by what we call the progress of civilization (Vili Quotes)
It has been said that the position of woman is the test of civilization, and that of our women was secure. In them was vested our standard of morals and the purity of our blood (Vili Quotes)
The moment you give up your principles, and your values, you are dead, your culture is dead, your civilization is dead. Period (Vili Quotes)
Our most intimate contact with civilizations long since dust has been through the art which has survived them (Vili Quotes)
Monuments and archaeological pieces serve as testimonies of man’s greatness and establish a dialogue between civilizations showing the extent to which human beings are linked (Vili Quotes)
The forces that are in play on climate change essentially revolve around the generation of power, the transportation of goods and services and people, and the sorts of materials that we use to fuel the whole of our civilisation (Vili Quotes)
Civilization is merely an advance in taste: accepting, all the time, nicer things, and rejecting nasty ones (Vili Quotes)
Television is not vulgar because people are vulgar; it is vulgar because people are similar in their prurient interests and sharply differentiated in their civilized concerns (Vili Quotes)
Barbarism is needed every four or five hundred years to bring the world back to life. Otherwise it would die of civilization (Vili Quotes)
Libel actions, when we look at them in perspective, are an ornament of a civilized society. They have replaced, after all, at least in most cases, a resort to weapons in defense of a reputation (Vili Quotes)
As a result, the highly civilized man can endure incomparably more than the savage, whether of moral or physical strain. Being better able to control himself under all circumstances, he has a great advantage over the savage (Vili Quotes)
Slavery is the first step towards civilization. In order to develop it is necessary that things should be much better for some and much worse for others, then those who are better off can develop at the expense of others (Vili Quotes)
A civilized nation can have no enemies, and one cannot draw a line across a map, a line that doesn’t even exist in nature and say that the ugly enemy lives on the one side, and good friends live on the other (Vili Quotes)
We have always been taught that navigation is the result of civilization, but modern archeology has demonstrated very clearly that this is not so (Vili Quotes)