Vili Quotes

Text Quotes
You ultimately judge the civility of a society not by how it treats the rich, the powerful, the protected and the highly esteemed, but by how it treats the poor, the disfavored and the disadvantaged (Vili Quotes)
If a man is fortunate he will, before he dies, gather up as much as he can of his civilized heritage and transmit it to his children (Vili Quotes)
So I should say that civilizations begin with religion and stoicism: they end with scepticism and unbelief, and the undisciplined pursuit of individual pleasure. A civilization is born stoic and dies epicurean (Vili Quotes)
... the public and the private worlds are inseparably connected... the tyrannies and servilities of the one are the tyrannies and servilities of the other (Vili Quotes)
And just as a little thread of gold, running through a fabric, brightens the whole garment, so women’s work at home, while only the doing of little things, like the golden gleam of sunlight runs through and brightens all the fabric of civilization (Vili Quotes)
Terrorism thrives on a free society. The terrorist uses the feelings in a free society to sap the will of civilization to resist. If the terrorist succeeds, he has won and the whole of free society has lost (Vili Quotes)
The civilization of a state should be measured by the amount of suffering it prevents and the degree of happiness it makes possible for its citizens (Vili Quotes)
A trial cannot be conducted by announcing the general culpability of a civilization. Only the actual deeds which, at least, stank in the nostrils of the entire world were brought to judgment (Vili Quotes)
Society turns away from the aged worker as though he belonged to another species. That is why the whole question is buried in a conspiracy of silence. Old age exposes the failure of our entire civilization (Vili Quotes)
Constructive destruction is one of the most delightful employments in the world, and in civilized life the opportunities for it are only too rare (Vili Quotes)
A modern and humane civilization must control conception or sink into barbaric cruelty to individuals (Vili Quotes)
You mix the affluence of the white and the poverty of the black and you do not get a civilized society. Integration on an equal level is one thing. Mixing on an unequal level is another (Vili Quotes)
We came to realize that a civilization which rode roughshod over the way of life of other peoples was incorporating evil in its own way of life (Vili Quotes)
To be civilized is to be incapable of giving unnecessary offense, it is to have some quality of consideration for all who cross our path (Vili Quotes)
Hatred of domestic work is a natural and admirable result of civilization.... The first thing a woman does when she gets a little money into her hands is to hire some other poor wretch to do her housework (Vili Quotes)
The whole of our civilization is founded on specialization, which implies the enslavement of those who execute to those who coordinate (Vili Quotes)
Perhaps the habit which distinguishes civilized people from others is that of discussion, exchange of opinion and ideas, the ability to differ without quarrelling, to say what you have to say civilly and then to listen civilly to another speaker (Vili Quotes)
Nice is a pallid virtue. Not like honesty or courage or perseverance. On the other hand, in a nation notably lacking in civility, there is much to be said for nice (Vili Quotes)
... I cannot think a civilization worth having that does not encourage and enable its subjects to spend something, not extorted by governments but freely given to keep wretchedness at least from the streets they walk through day by day (Vili Quotes)
... it is a matter of civilizing everyone or not being civilized at all: the decay has always come from a partial civilization (Vili Quotes)
The time is approaching when we shall consider it abhorrent to our civilization to allow a human being to die in prolonged agony which we should mercifully end in any other creature (Vili Quotes)
I am a very, very strong advocate of the notion that we shouldn’t equate the arts with other aspects of infrastructure. They have a unique role in any civilised society and that requires appropriate and targeted government support (Vili Quotes)
Play is not for every hour of the day, or for any hour taken at random. There is a tide in the affairs of children. Civilization is cruel in sending them to bed at the most stimulating time of dusk (Vili Quotes)
In our present high state of civilization, people are so much alike, that anything at all odd comes on one with the freshness and character of an antique coin among smooth shillings (Vili Quotes)
Beauty or beast, the modern skyscraper is a major force with a strong magnetic field. It draws into its physical being all of the factors that propel and characterize modern civilization. The skyscraper is the point where art and the city meet (Vili Quotes)
A good civilization gives the greatest possible scope to the common passions and makes them intelligible among the great number of people (Vili Quotes)
I have no doubt that historians will conclude that we of the twentieth century had intelligence enough to create a great civilization but not the moral wisdom to preserve it (Vili Quotes)
War is a biological necessity of the first importance, a regulative element in the life of mankind which cannot be dispensed with.... But it is not only a biological law but a moral obligation, and, as such, an dispensable factor in civilization (Vili Quotes)
Slowly, painstakingly, like ants, men would make their paths and civilization and their wars once again, only to have it wash away again (Vili Quotes)
People with really weak characters cause an immense amount of suffering in the world. They destroy whole civilisations (Vili Quotes)