Vili Quotes

Text Quotes
Civilization today reminds me of an ape with a blowtorch playing in a room full of dynamite. It looks like the monkeys are about to operate the zoo, and the inmates are taking over the asylum (Vili Quotes)
Had there been no difficulties and no thorns in the way, then man would have been in his primitive state and no progress made in civilization and mental culture (Vili Quotes)
One might say that the true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses and oppresses (Vili Quotes)
Society moves slowly towards civilization, but when we compare epochs half a century or even quarter of a century apart, we perceive many signs that progress is made (Vili Quotes)
He who does most to cure woman of her weakness, her frivolity, and her servility will likewise at the same stroke do most to cure man of his brutality, his selfishness and his sensuality (Vili Quotes)
With the civilized man contentment is a myth. From the cradle to the grave he is forever longing and striving after something better, an indefinable something, some new object yet unattained (Vili Quotes)
The increase of a great number of citizens in prosperity is a necessary element to the security, and even to the existence, of a civilized people (Vili Quotes)
Malice is the devil’s picture. Lust makes men brutish, and malice makes them devilish. Malice is mental murder; you may kill a man and never touch him; whosoever hateth his mother is a murderer (Vili Quotes)
The measure of civilization in a people is to be found in its just appreciation of the wrongfulness of war (Vili Quotes)
If there is one beast in all the loathsome fauna of civilization I hate and despise, it is a man of the world (Vili Quotes)
A country is considered the more civilized the more wisdom and efficiency of its laws hinder a weak man from becoming too weak or a powerful one too powerful (Vili Quotes)
Rome is the one great spiritual organization which is able to resist and must, as a matter of life and death, the progress of science and modern civilization (Vili Quotes)
The laughter which it creates is impish and devilish, the very mirth of fiends, and its wit the gleam and glare of infernal light (Vili Quotes)
Nothing has more retarded the advancement of learning than the disposition of vulgar minds to ridicule and vilify what they cannot comprehend (Vili Quotes)
The character in conversation which commonly passes for agreeable is made up of civility and falsehood (Vili Quotes)
I never addressed myself in the language of decency and friendship to a woman, whether civilized or savage, without receiving a decent and friendly answer (Vili Quotes)
She it is who proposes the correcting of pretentiousness, of inflation, of dulness, and of the vestiges of rawness and grossness to be found among us. She is the ultimate civilizer, the polisher, a sweet cook (Vili Quotes)
You have drunk deep at the springs of western knowledge. While you will not hesitate to absorb for your benefit and for the national good the best elements in western culture and thought, you will not in any case permit the destruction of the vital elements of your own civilisation (Vili Quotes)
A commonplace of political rhetoric has it that the quality of a civilization may be measured by how it cares for its elderly. Just as surely, the future of a society may be forecast by how it cares for its young (Vili Quotes)
Nixon: The only place where you and I disagree... Is with regard to the bombing. You’re so goddamned concerned about civilians and I don’t give a damn. I don’t care. Kissinger: I’m concerned about the civilians because I don’t want the world to be mobilized against you as a butcher (Vili Quotes)
Prentice: It’s a fascinating theory, sir, and cleverly put together. Does it tie in with known facts? Rance: That need not cause us undue anxiety. Civilizations have been founded and maintained on theories which refused to obey facts (Vili Quotes)
Rape is an outrage that cannot be tolerated in a civilized society. Yet feminism, which has waged a crusade for rape to be taken more seriously, has put young women in danger by hiding the truth about sex from them (Vili Quotes)
The biggest farce of man’s history has been the argument that wars are fought to save civilization (Vili Quotes)
A generous basic state pension is the least a civilized society should offer those who have worked hard and saved through their whole lives (Vili Quotes)
But what of black women?... I most sincerely doubt if any other race of women could have brought its fineness up through so devilish a fire (Vili Quotes)
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing (Vili Quotes)
Courtesy is a silver lining around the dark clouds of civilization; it is the best part of refinement and in many ways, an art of heroic beauty in the vast gallery of man’s cruelty and baseness (Vili Quotes)
Either you think, or else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you (Vili Quotes)
If mankind were to continue in other than the present barbarism, a new path must be found, a new civilization based on some other method than technology (Vili Quotes)
Military strength in reserve is better than military strength being reigned upon the other side including all of its innocent civilians (Vili Quotes)