Vincent De Paul Quotes

Text Quotes
It is not easy to find perfect men in whom there is nothing to criticize (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
Nevertheless, when one is ill, one should be submissive to the doctor and obey him (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
The wisest persons, surprised by some passion, often say things they later regret (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
... Omit nothing which can advance his work, and not blame others for the delay (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
... in the final analysis, virtue is not found in extremes, but in prudence (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
You can give me no greater consolation nor render greater service to your neighbor than to place yourself in a condition to serve him for a long time (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
Nature makes trees put down deep roots before having them bear fruit, and even this is done gradually (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
I will always welcome joyfully any opportunity that comes my way to be of service to you (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
Naturally, everyone is disheartened by sharp reprimands, and by the most amiable corrections as well, if they are frequent, immoderate, or given inappropriately (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
Naturally, everyone loves his freedom, but we must beware of this as of a broad road that leads to perdition (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
What you are saying is true of those who want everything to give way to them, nothing to oppose them, everything to go their way, people to obey them without comment or delay and, in a manner of speaking, to be adored (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
If you think something should be done, take the trouble to write to me about it, and together we will decide the time and manner of doing it (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
I cannot think of the results of your labors without shame at the little we do (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
Use gentle methods to get whatever good you can from priests and monks who are slaves, as well as from merchants and captives. Resort to severe measures only in extreme cases, for fear lest the hardship they are already enduring in their state of captivity, joined to the strictness you might want to exercise in virtue of your authority, drive them to despair... It is not light they need, but strength, and strength permeates through the external balm of words and good example (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
You should not open your mouth except to express gratitude for benefits you have received, and never to mention your discontent (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
There is nothing good that does not meet with opposition, and it should not be valued any less because it encounters objections (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
God allows us to give rise to the practice of two beautiful virtues: perseverance, which leads us to attain the goal, and constancy, which helps us to overcome difficulties (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
Furthermore, the apostolic life does not exclude contemplation but encompasses it and profits by it to know better the eternal truths it must proclaim (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
He is greatly honored by the time we take to weigh with mature deliberation matters having to do with his service, as are all those with which we deal (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
Since I am a great sinner, I cannot reject those who have been, provided they have good will (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
He also always blesses humble beginnings much more than those accompanied by a lot of show (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
I hope that this man can be won over by your bearing charitably with him, advising him prudently, and praying for him. This is what I do for your family in general and for you in particular (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
If you grant asylum to so many refugees, your house may be sacked sooner by the soldiers; I see that clearly. The question is, however, whether, because of this danger, you should refuse to practice such a beautiful virtue as charity (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
We must be full reservoirs in order to let our water spill out without becoming empty, and we must possess the spirit with which we want them to be animated, for no one can give what he does not have (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
There is no act of charity that is not accompanied by justice or that permits us to do more than we reasonably can (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
If your men grow weary of the work or balk at obedience, you must bear with them. Get what you can gently from them. True, it is good to be firm in attaining your goal, but use appropriate, attractive, and agreeable means (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
I would rather him to bear patiently with it than to put himself in danger of a greater evil (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
There are some persons who are content with everything and others who are scarcely content with anything. These latter need patience to bear with themselves (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
Experience has shown us that virtue puts down only shallow roots in those who are there for just a short time (Vincent De Paul Quotes)
In order to become soundly virtuous, it is advisable to make good practical resolutions concerning particular acts of the virtues and to be faithful in carrying the out afterwards. Without doing that, one is often virtuous only in one’s imagination (Vincent De Paul Quotes)