Virtual Quotes

Text Quotes
Objects and their functions no longer had any significance. All I perceived was perception itself, the hell of forms and figures devoid of human emotion and detached from the reality of my unreal environment. I was an instrument in a virtual world that constantly renewed its own meaningless image in a living world that was itself perceived outside of nature. And since the appearance of things was no longer definitive but limitless, this paradisiacal awareness freed me from the reality external to myself. The fire and the rose, as it were, became one (Virtual Quotes)
The screen is a window through which one sees a virtual world. The challenge is to make that world look real, act real, sound real, feel real (Virtual Quotes)
Let’s stick to the practical and the concrete: Would you like it if people lived in a virtual world? If machines were smarter than people? If, in the future, people, animals and plants were products of technology? If you don’t like these ideas, then for you the computer and biological sciences clearly are dangerous (Virtual Quotes)
Does virtual intimacy degrade our experience of the other kind and, indeed, of all encounters, of any kind? (Virtual Quotes)
If you are a gamer, it’s time to get over any regret you might feel about spending so much time playing games. You have not been wasting your time. You have been building up a wealth of virtual experience that, as the first half of this book will show you, can teach you about your true self: what your core strengths are, what really motivates you, and what make you happiest (Virtual Quotes)
The real world just doesn’t offer up as easily the carefully designed pleasures, the thrilling challenges, and the powerful social bonding afforded by virtual environments. Reality doesn’t motivate us as effectively. Reality isn’t engineered to maximize our potential. Reality wasn’t designed from the bottom up to make us happy (Virtual Quotes)
Cinema is a technologically mediated dreamspace, a way to access, a portal to the numinous that unfolded in the fourth dimension, so cinema became sort of a waking dream where we can travel in space and time, where we can travel in mind. This became more than virtual reality, this became a real virtuality (Virtual Quotes)
Videogames are indeed design: They’re sophisticated virtual machines that echo the mechanical systems inside cars (Virtual Quotes)
If you want to move through a virtual reality it’s called a video game, it’s been around forever (Virtual Quotes)
The exchange of words is a lot like a virtual handshake. Is the writer’s grasp of the language strong and bold? Are the words gripping? Direct? Inventive? Sincere? (Virtual Quotes)
Look at these humans! How could such glacial slowness even be called life? An age could pass, virtual empires rise and fall in the time they took to open their mouths to utter some new inanity! (Virtual Quotes)
There is no such thing as absolute free speech; there are only absolute rights of private property. Speech is circumscribed by private property rights. You may deliver a disquisition in my virtual or actual living room only if I permit you to so do (Virtual Quotes)
I think that we see war as a virtual thing and we even get to believe that bombs fall on top of cardboard cutouts and stuff like that. They don’t. They kill real people, real children, real mothers and millions of innocent people (Virtual Quotes)
Every day online, people, especially young people who are not developmentally equipped to handle this, are so abused and humiliated that they can’t imagine living to the next day, and some tragically don’t. And there’s nothing virtual about that (Virtual Quotes)
The virtual world is not the enemy. The pioneers invented a world they believed in, but the followers must follow that world whether they believe in it or not (Virtual Quotes)
Bookstores will not disappear but will exploit digital technologies to increase their virtual and physical inventories, and perhaps become publishers themselves (Virtual Quotes)
The stage is like a laboratory where you can run theatrical experiments, imposing interesting conditions on the cast or story and seeing how they pan out. Each new play is like creating a tiny virtual universe enclosed by the confines of the stage (Virtual Quotes)
Being virtually killed by a virtual laser in a virtual space is just as effective as the real thing, because you are as dead as you think you are (Virtual Quotes)
If you understand how the real world feels and looks and sounds it is much easier to create a virtual version of the real world (Virtual Quotes)
Photography is a kind of virtual reality, and it helps if you can create the illusion of being in an interesting world (Virtual Quotes)
At the end of a miserable day, instead of grieving my virtual nothing, I can always look at my loaded wastepaper basket and tell myself that if I failed, at least I took a few trees down with me (Virtual Quotes)
Because what’s the point of something virtual if it doesn’t end up being real? (Virtual Quotes)
Let’s get up off our knees, stop cringing before bogeymen and virtual fathers, face reality, and help science to do something constructive about human suffering (Virtual Quotes)
To me, what you want to do is find a way to let this play out between the virtual world and the physical world... Ultimately, I think society will get there. It will be messy, but we’ll get there (Virtual Quotes)
Practice beauty appreciation in as many places as possible. Nature provides a virtual smorgasbord of miracles. See the beauty in all of it (Virtual Quotes)
It is important always to remember that virtual contact cannot and must not take the place of direct human contact with people at every level of our lives (Virtual Quotes)
Now I see that all relationships are virtual, even those that take place in person. Whether we use our bodies or a keyboard, it all comes down to two minds crying out from their solitude (Virtual Quotes)
I’m certainly not opposed to digital technology, whose graces I daily enjoy and rely on in so many ways. But I worry about our virtual blinders (Virtual Quotes)
Neither dead nor alive, the hostage is suspended by an incalculable outcome. It is not his destiny that awaits for him, nor his own death, but anonymous chance, which can only seem to him something absolutely arbitrary. He is in a state of radical emergency, of virtual extermination (Virtual Quotes)
The thing is, there are so many different ways to make music these days with virtual instruments, software applications, physical instruments, and computer programs (Virtual Quotes)