Virtually Quotes

Text Quotes
When women let their hair down, it means either sexiness or craziness or death, the three by Victorian times having become virtually synonymous (Virtually Quotes)
If the net becomes the center of the universe, which is what seems to be happening, then the dizzying array of machines that will be plugged into it will virtually guarantee that the specifics of which chip and which operating system you've got will be irrelevant (Virtually Quotes)
If someone had told us in 1945 that in our lifetime religious wars would rage on virtually every continent, that thousands of children would once again be dying of starvation, we would not have believed it. Or that racism and fanaticism would flourish once again, we would not have believed it (Virtually Quotes)
It would be repugnant to the vital principles of our government virtually to exclude from public trusts, talents and virtue, unless accompanied by wealth (Virtually Quotes)
In certain intellectual circles in France, the very basis for discussion - a minimal respect for facts and logic - has been virtually abandoned (Virtually Quotes)
The secret to a successful career in virtually any field is good public relations. Forget results. Forget the facts. Perception is all that matters (Virtually Quotes)
Virtually nothing on earth can stop a person with a positive attitude who has his goal clearly in sight (Virtually Quotes)
Getting things done in this country, if you want to build something, if you want to start a company, it's getting to be virtually impossible with all of the bureaucracy and all of the approvals (Virtually Quotes)
Men go into marriage with virtually no expectations whatsoever. Ten years later, the men are delightfully surprised to find out that it's actually kind of nice, and the women have sort of had to take a nose dive from what they thought it was going to be (Virtually Quotes)
The ability of the 1 percent to buy politicians and regulators is nothing new in American politics - just as inequality has been a permanent part of our economic system. This is true of virtually all political and economic systems (Virtually Quotes)
In corn, I think I've found the key to the American food chain. If you look at a fast food meal, a McDonald's meal, virtually all the carbon in it - and what we eat is mostly carbon - comes from corn (Virtually Quotes)
In the 20 long, hungry years between my late teens and late 30s I bought in to virtually every new diet and/or exercise regime that hoved into view, particularly at this most vulnerable time for those of us prone to poor body image - a new year (Virtually Quotes)
Teamwork is so important that it is virtually impossible for you to reach the heights of your capabilities or make the money that you want without becoming very good at it (Virtually Quotes)
As you watch the world crumble, try taking your Armageddon with this sprinkling of irony: Over the last three decades, business has got virtually everything it wanted, and it's doomsday scenario from the 1970s has come true because of it (Virtually Quotes)
Some major writers have a huge impact, like Ayn Rand, who to my mind is a lousy fiction writer because her writing has no compassion and virtually no humor. She has a philosophical and economical message that she is passing off as fiction, but it really isn't fiction at all (Virtually Quotes)
But I believe in fair trade, and I will tell you, I have many, many friends heading up corporations, and people that do just business in China, they say it's virtually impossible. It's very, very hard to come into China. and yet, we welcome them with open arms (Virtually Quotes)
As told in friendship with God, if we simply decided to believe and act as if first, we're all one, and second, life is eternal, it would render virtually everything we've done all our lives pointless (Virtually Quotes)
Massachusetts children cannot only lead the nation in test scores, they can be competitive with the best in the world. And the gap in achievement among races can virtually disappear (Virtually Quotes)
Our Soviet espionage efforts had virtually never, or had very seldom, produced any worthwhile political or economic intelligence on the Soviet Union (Virtually Quotes)
It is virtually impossible to compete in today’s global economy without a college degree (Virtually Quotes)
Its obvious, but perhaps worth saying, that happiness has virtually nothing to do with the state of your intellect (Virtually Quotes)
Active creation is conceived as a transitive action in which there is always presupposed an object about which the agent is concerned; it is virtually but not formally transitive because it makes, not presupposes, an object (Virtually Quotes)
The craft of painting has virtually disappeared. There is hardly anyone left who really possesses it. For evidence one has only to look at the painters of this century (Virtually Quotes)
I am now a turtle. Virtually everything I own is on my back and suffice it to say I am one ton lighter and therefore 2,000 pounds happier. All houses are gone (Virtually Quotes)
The orchestration of press, radio and television to create a continuous, lasting and total environment renders the influence of propaganda virtually unnoticed precisely because it creates a constant environment (Virtually Quotes)
I never wanted to separate from either wife. It was accumulated stress. We had virtually no time to ourselves. After politics we were both working very hard to establish new careers (Virtually Quotes)
I recognize that virtually every company that comes in here has a perspective. It’s often not difficult to understand why they have the perspective that they have (Virtually Quotes)
I was sympathetic to virtually all groups that wanted to get away from the old system (Virtually Quotes)
It seems only reasonable that the people have a right to know virtually everything about the personality they are buying each time they put their money through the box office (Virtually Quotes)
We always work at least a month to six weeks before we go on the road, usually for something like eight to 12 hours a night. It took six weeks to do it this time. We just play virtually everything we know (Virtually Quotes)