Vision Quotes

Text Quotes
It remains true that great managers recognize individualities and focus on developing strengths rather than weaknesses. Great leaders, in sharp contrast, recognize what is (or could be) shared in common - a vision, a dream, a mission, whatever - and inspire others to join them in the given enterprise. (Vision Quotes)
Small minds cannot grasp great ideas; to their narrow comprehension, their purblind vision, nothing seems really great and important but themselves. (Vision Quotes)
Racism is a phenomenal thing; it is like a thick mist that obscures the vision and judgement of even great minds. (Vision Quotes)
If you are a great news organization, you can’t have the best obtainable version of the truth if your vision and your scale is reduced to a fraction of its former self. (Vision Quotes)
A leader is he who has a great vision and can inspire others to go along to pursue it with all great passion. (Vision Quotes)
The great teachers are always those who can live the tension. They are not criticizing everybody, they’re not complaining. They give young people a vision. (Vision Quotes)
The truly beautiful are often abused for apparent ugliness just as those with great vision often bump into things. (Vision Quotes)
Just as no great painting has ever been created by a committee, no great vision has ever emerged from the herd. (Vision Quotes)
He’s got great vision. If he can get outside, he can take it all the way. That’s what we were worried about. (Vision Quotes)
King Fahd was a man of great vision and leadership who inspired his countrymen for a quarter of a century as king. He led Saudi Arabia through a period of unparalleled progress and development. (Vision Quotes)
In my view, the most damaging evils that are perpetrated upon us are through some abstract notion about good, where we’re willing to sacrifice individuals in the present for some great vision of an improved or perfect future. (Vision Quotes)
Mass badly celebrated is an enormous evil. Ah! it is not a matter of indifference how it is said! . . . I have had a great vision on the mystery of Holy Mass and I have seen that whatever good has existed since creation is owing to it. (Vision Quotes)
What Smith and Marx have in common is that they were both philosophers of great vision and perceptiveness, deep humanity, and a sense of social reality that has been lost in the abstractly formalistic economic theories that have dominated the field since the last third of the nineteenth century. (Vision Quotes)
Politics is really religion. Politics is about sacredness. Politics is about offering a vision that will bind the nation together to pursue greatness. (Vision Quotes)
The great opera composers were so good at their job, that the whole genre came to be built around the concept of the composer’s vision. (Vision Quotes)
I had this vision of shooting a great white in the studio with all the edge lights I use for movie posters. I knew that I couldn’t bring the great white to the studio, so I had to bring the studio to the great white. (Vision Quotes)
By connecting and being part of a community with a shared vision and goals, we can create great things. (Vision Quotes)
The vision Donald Trump has articulated to Make America Great Again means a stronger America at home and abroad. (Vision Quotes)
Since great writers communicate a vision of existence, one can’t borrow their methods. The method is married to the vision. (Vision Quotes)
As you live high standards publicly and privately, and even under great pressure adhere to them, you raise the vision of others. (Vision Quotes)
Every single great idea that has marked the 21st century, the 20th century and the 19th century has required government vision and government incentive. (Vision Quotes)
Great people have a vision of their lives that they practice emulating each and every day. They go to work on their lives, not just in their lives. (Vision Quotes)
When you write you have a certain vision of how it could be and it’s great to be able to see it all the way to the goal line. (Vision Quotes)
Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have. Without having a goal it’s difficult to score. (Vision Quotes)
I always admired Ray Kroc, the man who invented McDonald’s. Ray had a vision of the most commonplace thing - a hamburger and fries to go - but to him it was just the greatest thing ever, and he was going to make it the greatest thing ever for everybody else, and he did. (Vision Quotes)
Our goal was to show people a vision of food they hadn’t seen before. So, I had this idea of... let’s cut all these things in half, and show a picture of the food in the pan, in the oven. (Vision Quotes)
Men who are driven are happy in their work and their vision but are not happy-go-lucky. Evelyn has a happiness and contentment most of the time -- she’s my balance. (Vision Quotes)
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day. (Vision Quotes)
We spend our lives searching for something we think we don’t have, something that will make us happy. But the key to our deepest happiness lies in changing our vision of where to seek it. (Vision Quotes)
It’s really hard as a screenwriter, you feel like you have a vision and then you turn it over to a director and you have to let it go. (Vision Quotes)