Viti Quotes

Text Quotes
Don’t let any emotional thought concerning success or failure, fame or gain, overtake you, and don’t dwell upon them. Give up your personal shortcomings, such as foolish talk, distracting activities, and absentmindedness. Train in being totally gentle in all physical, verbal, or mental activities. Don’t ponder the flaws of others; think instead of their good sides (Viti Quotes)
Like the sorcerer of old, the television set casts its magic spell, freezing speech and action, turning the living into silent statues so long as the enchantment lasts. The primary danger of the television screen lies not so much in the behavior it produces, although there is danger there, as in the behavior it prevents: the talks, the games, the family festivities... through which much of the child’s learning takes place and through which his character is formed. Turning on the television set can turn off the process that transforms children into people (Viti Quotes)
If something is important enough to you that you feel the urge to donate your money or time to it, I think it’s best to try to express that form of giving through your career, not just as something you do on the side. If you enjoy your volunteering and charitable activities more than your career, it means your career is in serious need of an upgrade. In my opinion your career should be your best outlet for giving (Viti Quotes)
No society can long sustain itself unless its members have learned the sensitivities, motivations and skills involved in assisting and caring for other human beings (Viti Quotes)
There are three creativities: creativity in technology, in product planning, and in marketing. To have any one of these without the others is self defeating in business (Viti Quotes)
When physiologists revealed the existence and functions of hormones they not only gave increased opportunities for the activities of biochemists but in particular gave a new charter to biochemical thought, and with the discovery of vitamins that charter was extended (Viti Quotes)
I have often noticed how primate groups in their entirety enter a similar mood. All of a sudden, all of them are playful, hopping around. Or all of them are grumpy. Or all of them are sleepy and settle down. In such cases, the mood contagion serves the function of synchronizing activities (Viti Quotes)
Transformation also means looking for ways to stop pushing yourself so hard professionally or inviting so much stress (Viti Quotes)
I go to the dentist every six months, I get a cleaning, so... I’m fortunate enough that those fluoride treatments as a child worked. Not getting any cavities (Viti Quotes)
Look at your business and the activities that you undertake. Then, start to think about not just your economic concerns, but about social and environmental impacts that businesses have (Viti Quotes)
Health, money. That’s what people worried about in the 14th century as much as today. I find it so much more interesting than the supposed activities of kings, queens, generals (Viti Quotes)
Writing and creating, those things come to me on their own. I feel like... you sort of summon them and it’s like allowing the universe to enter your heart in an entirely different way to what it normally does. It’s like inviting that energy of the universe to enter into your craft in a way where it has a meaning (Viti Quotes)
The people themselves are not a homogeneous cultural collectivity but present numerous and variously combined cultural stratifications which, in their pure form, cannot always be identified within specific historical popular collectivities (Viti Quotes)
Engagement is the conscious inhabitation of your body and mind. Practice is happening when your open awareness is moving with, in and through your embodied activity. Intrinsic to practice is your conscious participation with your life. Engagement is the conduction of your free and open awareness through your activities, whatever they may be (Viti Quotes)
I do all these various activities like painting and writing, comedy and films probably because not that I’m good at everything but because I’m not good at any of these things (Viti Quotes)
I promise you that there are a lot of people involved in various kinds of retail activities who think they have a crucial role in the economy, and they’re right (Viti Quotes)
If the chi is being wasted by useless activities, emotions and associations that drain us, then we don’t have enough power when it comes time to perform (Viti Quotes)
Enter into the activities of the world, without getting overjoyed by success or totally put out by failure. Whether they love you or hate you, it doesn’t much matter. What matters is stillness (Viti Quotes)
The holiday season promotes a heightened sense of community. It draws our chins up and helps us look above and over the limiting fence of our own events, activities and preoccupations. The opportunity for a heroic gesture can tap you quietly on the shoulder in the midst of a holiday bustle. If you are attentive, you will notice the gentle touch and will be able to respond. Remember... There are no small acts of kindness. Every compassionate act makes large the world (Viti Quotes)
A real conversation always contains an invitation. You are inviting another person to reveal herself or himself to you, to tell you who they are or what they want (Viti Quotes)
People who are unable to use their hands skillfully for all kinds of work, will not become good thinkers and will behave awkwardly in life. It is not the head alone, but the whole human being that is a logician. Activities demanding manual and bodily skill, such as knitting, leads to the enhancement of the faculty of judgment. This faculty is actually developed least of all by exercises in logic (Viti Quotes)
Strengths are not activities you’re good at, they’re activities that strengthen you. A strength is an activity that before you’re doing it you look forward to doing it; while you’re doing it, time goes by quickly and you can concentrate; after you’ve done it, it seems to fulfill a need of yours (Viti Quotes)
In life, satisfaction is experienced when activities are brought to a state of completion. Loss of energy and loss of control are functions of incompletion. The result of completing things releases one’s ability to create. Prioritize any items that need to be completed, set a completion date, then do it (Viti Quotes)
When a church is truly convinced that prayer is where the action is, that church will so construct its corporate activities that the prayer program will have the highest priority (Viti Quotes)
Purpose, or mission, is determined by the development of values, balance, ethics, humor, morality, and sensitivities. It manifests itself in the way we look at life (Viti Quotes)
When we clutter our lives with imagined obligations, unnecessary activities, and distractions that only kill time, we dilute the power of our lives (Viti Quotes)
Mindfulness is when you are engaged in activities but the mind is set into the meditative state all the time. Meditation is to be aware of many different levels. It’s not just the absence of thought (Viti Quotes)
Your ability to still your mind through the process of meditation and inner reflection and outer change brings a stillness to the mind all the time, even in the midst of the busiest activities (Viti Quotes)
If we try and direct our lives with only our limited rationalistic thoughts and our sense perceptions, then our actions and our activities will not be prefect (Viti Quotes)
That arithmetic is the basest of all mental activities is proved by the fact that it is the only one that can be accomplished by a machine (Viti Quotes)