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Vitriol Quotes

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Vice and virtue are products like vitriol and sugar  (Vitriol Quotes) Everyone knows revenge is a dish best served when you’ve had enough time to build up enough vitriol and fury  (Vitriol Quotes) Anonymity is an abused privilege, abused most by people who mistake vitriol for wisdom and cynicism for wit  (Vitriol Quotes) You know, the thing that struck me about Civil War music was how bloody it was; it was full of hatred. There was incredible vitriol in it  (Vitriol Quotes) Everyone knows revenge is a dish best served when you’ve had enough time to build up enough vitriol and fury.  (Vitriol Quotes) Constructive criticism is legitimate, but when it escalates to vitriol, it affects us all, because celebrities and influencers are part of the collective consciousness.  (Vitriol Quotes) I am a model of positivity compared to the kinds of vitriol, the kinds of destructive criticisms that Labor members of parliament have been making of each other.  (Vitriol Quotes)