Vive Quotes

Text Quotes
A high station in life is earned by the gallantry with which appalling experiences are survived with grace (Vive Quotes)
For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer (Vive Quotes)
So what is so strange about saying I want Barack Obama to fail if his mission is to reconstruct and reform this nation so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation? I want the country to survive. I want the country to succeed (Vive Quotes)
But I love the idea - whether it's in my work or where I live - exploring new frontier, and I like putting myself in strange places and trying to survive and figure things out and gather up an infrastructure. I like knowing that I could figure out a way to live anywhere (Vive Quotes)
Every man is wise when attacked by a mad dog; fewer when pursued by a mad woman; only the wisest survive when attacked by a mad notion (Vive Quotes)
Extraordinary people survive under the most terrible circumstances and they become more extraordinary because of it (Vive Quotes)
Of course, fairies are all imported in North America. We have no native fairies. The little people do not long survive importation - unless they go to California and grow large and beautiful, but haven't much flavor, like the fruit and the film stars (Vive Quotes)
Wisdom is a variable possession. Every man is wise when pursued by a mad dog, fewer when pursued by a mad woman; only the wisest survive when attacked by a mad notion (Vive Quotes)
Real life isn't always going to be perfect or go our way, but the recurring acknowledgement of what is working in our lives can help us not only to survive but surmount our difficulties (Vive Quotes)
Each day in the wilderness brings with it the struggle to survive and a heightened awareness of how wonderful it is just to see the sun set and rise again in the morning (Vive Quotes)
When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed (Vive Quotes)
They knew that to survive in Manhattan he would have to know something of bitterness before he arrived (Vive Quotes)
Only those who do not care, only those who find a way to diminish or extinguish the value of other human beings, survive wars without damage and speak of warrior honor afterward (Vive Quotes)
The cloud of the consommé's warmth enveloped her face and revived her poise. In the liquid a slice of lemon lay at fetal peace (Vive Quotes)
In her heart she is a mourner for those who have not survived. In her soul she is a warrior for those who are now as she was then. In her life she is both celebrant and proof of women's capacity and will to survive, to become, to act, to change self and society. And each year she is stronger and there are more of her (Vive Quotes)
Many are the sayings of Elia... Scattered about in obscure periodicals and forgotten miscellanies. From the dust of some of these it is our intention occasionally to revive a tract or two that shall seem worthy of a better fate.... Seeing that Messieurs the Quarterly Reviewers have chosen to embellish their last dry pages with fruitful quotations therefrom (Vive Quotes)
I must go on living. And, though it may be childish of me, I can't go on in simple compliance. From now on I must struggle with the world. I thought that Mother might well be the last of those who can end their lives beautifully and sadly, struggling with no one, neither hating nor betraying anyone. In the world to come there will be no room for such people. The dying are beautiful, but to live, to survive – those things somehow seem hideous and contaminated with blood (Vive Quotes)
I rather think the cinema will die. Look at the energy being exerted to revive it - yesterday it was color, today three dimensions. I don't give it forty years more. Witness the decline of conversation. Only the Irish have remained incomparable conversationalists, maybe because technical progress has passed them by (Vive Quotes)
The thing about life is that you must survive. Life is going to be difficult, and dreadful things will happen. What you do is move along, get on with it, and be tough. Not in the sense of being mean to others, but being tough with yourself and making a deadly effort not to be defeated (Vive Quotes)
It all came down to judging - if you were a good judge of the man in front of you, you might survive; if not, then you were the honored dead (Vive Quotes)
Nature hates a vacuum and strange things are drawn into empty places; sometimes oddities survive where nothing else can (Vive Quotes)
She'd survived the outside. She'd survived the Aether and cannibals and wolves. She knew how to love now, and how to let go. Whatever came next, she would survive it, too (Vive Quotes)
If I'd stopped believing that my life would eventually get better, I don't think I would have survived high school (Vive Quotes)
Enlighten what's dark in me. Strengthen what's weak in me. Mend what's broken in me. Bind what's bruised in me. Heal what's sick in me and lastly revive whatever peace and love has died in me (Vive Quotes)
Our world is fast succumbing to the activities of men and women who would stake the future of our species on beliefs that should not survive an elementary school education (Vive Quotes)
And yet, the fact that we are no longer killing people for heresy in the West suggests that bad ideas, however sacred, cannot survive the company of good ones forever (Vive Quotes)
This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it. That we have carried as much political bunk as we have and still survived shows we are a super nation (Vive Quotes)
It was a rough crossing, the one from childhood to the next life. And as with any other harsh journey, not everything survived (Vive Quotes)
And I knew that I loved him with more than a nod. I loved him with a rush of tenderness, a lion's share. (Is that ever enough?) I wanted to survive. I had to. I never called (Vive Quotes)
Love is a luxury. It's something that people are allowed to indulge in when they're not simply trying to survive and keep other people alive (Vive Quotes)