Vive Quotes

Text Quotes
I marvel at the many ways we, as black people, bend but do not break in order to survive. This astonishes me, and what excites me I write about. Everyone of us is a wonder. Everyone of us has a story (Vive Quotes)
It is so human a book that I don’t see how belief in its divine authority can survive the reading of it (Vive Quotes)
Overall, my life has been one of survival, and the decisions that I have made along the way, including my identification, have been to survive (Vive Quotes)
The only thing I can point to of why I survived is I have a family that loves me and never wanted any money from me (Vive Quotes)
Everybody’s trying to be the biggest, because if you’re not the biggest, you don’t survive (Vive Quotes)
It’s very difficult to liberate yourself from what you’ve learned. You know it’s almost impossible because you learn in order to survive (Vive Quotes)
The way you survive in the performing arts is by having a sense of your audience, and doing things which entertain and satisfy the audience, but in a more important way, cause the audience to question many things (Vive Quotes)
I’m terrible in the kitchen. I was mostly raised by my mother and she could cook, so I never perfected that skill. If I had to count on my own cooking to survive, I’d probably be thinner (Vive Quotes)
It is worthwhile for one to make an effort to achieve happiness. Just as the purpose of a plant is to grow, so it is that the main purpose of every human being is to survive and to grow until death (Vive Quotes)
If we want our civilization to survive, we have to watch for the extremes. We have to reclaim our morality, both individually and as the society. To protect ourselves from extremisms, we have to maintain moderation (Vive Quotes)
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style (Vive Quotes)
War is good when good survives and evil is crushed. If you don’t crush evil then evil will get you (Vive Quotes)
From now on it is only through a conscious choice and through a deliberate policy that humanity can survive (Vive Quotes)
We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders (Vive Quotes)
There are evils that have the ability to survive identification and go on for ever... money, for instance, or war (Vive Quotes)
The values by which we are to survive are not rules for just and unjust conduct, but are those deeper illuminations in whose light justice and injustice, good and evil, means and ends are seen in fearful sharpness of outline (Vive Quotes)
The desire for possession is insatiable, to such a point that it can survive even love itself. To love, therefore, is to sterilize the person one loves (Vive Quotes)
I look upon indolence as a sort of suicide; for the man is effectually destroyed, though the appetites of the brute may survive (Vive Quotes)
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone (Vive Quotes)
The poets scrolls will outlive the monuments of stone. Genius survives; all else is claimed by death (Vive Quotes)
Any comic is a tragic soul. Comedy is one of the things that allows one to survive. Particularly if one has been in the process of separating off the emotions, it’s one place you can process them (Vive Quotes)
The consensus seemed to be that if really large numbers of men were sent to storm the mountain, then enough might survive the rocks to take the citadel. This is essentially the basis of all military thinking (Vive Quotes)
High school wasn’t a trial by fire or some ordeal that had to be survived. It was all a big joke. You just had to provide the laugh track (Vive Quotes)
Not everything made you stronger. It was possible to survive, yet still be crippled for your trouble. Sometimes it was okay to run away, to skip the test, to chicken out. Or at least to get some help (Vive Quotes)
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change (Vive Quotes)
The age of technology has both revived the use of writing and provided ever more reasons for its spiritual solace. Emails are letters, after all, more lasting than phone calls, even if many of them r 2 cursory 4 u (Vive Quotes)
No change in musical style will survive unless it is accompanied by a change in clothing style. Rock is to dress up to (Vive Quotes)
Society is immoral and immortal; it can afford to commit any kind of folly, and indulge in any sort of vice; it cannot be killed, and the fragments that survive can always laugh at the dead (Vive Quotes)
I mean the only thing us dead soldiers got in common is that none of us was good enough or lucky enough to survive the fight. We’re a host of failures (Vive Quotes)
Alternating periods of activity and rest is necessary to survive, let alone thrive. Capacity, interest, and mental endurance all wax and wane. Plan accordingly (Vive Quotes)