Voices Quotes

Text Quotes
I write in different styles because I hear different voices in my head. It would be boring to have always the same voice, point of view. (Voices Quotes)
Women always look for a peaceful solution to a conflict. They are more sensible when they go for compromise or when they stand by their position. They are ready to listen to different views, to hear all the voices in society. (Voices Quotes)
I sing in five or six different voices that are all part of me. It’s not contrived. (Voices Quotes)
My dad knows how to tell a story. He’d make me laugh by doing all the different voices. (Voices Quotes)
My first two books, I was very close to my main character, stuck inside their head. And then with ‘Arrogance,’ I broke into many different voices. I introduce many different characters, and that helped me to develop a confidence to move between different characters, between different voices. (Voices Quotes)
I’ll agonize over sentences. Mostly because you’re trying to create specific effects with sentences, and because there are a number of different voices in the book. (Voices Quotes)
I prefer to be handcuffed at home. The idea of voice work to me is great fun, especially when it’s a chance to do two different voices. (Voices Quotes)
When I was in Marine training I memorised ‘The Waste Land,’ which was a significant experience in terms of really breaking apart language and thinking about how the different voices in that poem function. (Voices Quotes)
The main thing is always try to find different voices for yourself. If you’re in your car just driving somewhere you can try to start thinking about a voice you might want to do, like try a British accent. (Voices Quotes)
I think, to its credit, this is one of the last forms of popular entertainment that I don’t sense to be discriminatory in any way. I think there’s this general hunger for greater diversity, where publishers are really excited about finding different voices than what has been done. (Voices Quotes)
I have so many different projects, I hear voices in my head - the characters talking all at once - and I have to write to make them stop. (Voices Quotes)
If you are interested in writing, get out and live your life! Do a lot. See a lot. Keep your eyes and ears open. Pay attention to the different ways people speak. Read lots of different kinds of books. And then try writing in different voices and styles - don’t be afraid to experiment. (Voices Quotes)
I never try to give a message in my books. It’s about living with characters long enough to hear their voices and let them tell me the story. Sometimes I would love to have a happy ending, and it doesn’t happen because the character or the story leads me in another direction. (Voices Quotes)
When I was little, we had a Golden Book that had all these Disney characters in one portrait on the first page. My dad used to read from it every night. We’d play this game of find Pluto or find Donald Duck. He’d read us stories and do all the voices. Those are great memories. (Voices Quotes)
Concerted voices of heartfelt petitions in Arabic all pleading for divine intervention are abruptly silenced as the drone ensures fatalities by injecting a final stab in each of their skulls. (Voices Quotes)
When you hear voices from your past, do not close your ears, listen to them, but don’t stop, keep walking to the future. (Voices Quotes)
I’ve been doing voices as long as I can remember. When I was little I could pick up on sounds, and then I discovered you could distort what you hear and make people laugh or disrupt a class. (Voices Quotes)
One of the more interesting challenges I face when doing research for my novels is to trace the lives of women who are vital to the narrative and try my best to give them back their voices. (Voices Quotes)
Radio has always been pictures of the mind; for me, the essence of radio has always been voices that talk to me and don’t patronise me. (Voices Quotes)
I have a Chamberlain I bought from some surfers in Westwood many years ago. It’s an early analog synthesizer; it operates on tape loops. It has 60 voices - everything from galloping horses to owls to rain to every instrument in the orchestra. (Voices Quotes)
I’ve always thought it was easier for girls to sing harmonies because their voices can go to that higher plane so much more easy than a male voice. (Voices Quotes)
We have power not just with our voices, but we have economic power in what we do for a living, too (Voices Quotes)
El Salvador is a democracy so it’s not surprising that there are many voices to be heard here. Yet in my conversations with Salvadorans... I have heard a single voice. (Voices Quotes)
The horrific cases in Ferguson, in Staten Island with the death of Eric Garner, and all across the country serve as stark reminders that we must have a say in who polices us, and how that policing is done. We must, we must, let our voices be heard on Election Day. (Voices Quotes)
I honestly don’t know where the high voice thing came from in the first place. Why do people have high voices? Emotional problems? What is that? It could easily be that. And now I’m getting more normal, and my voice is getting deeper. (Voices Quotes)
We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored. (Voices Quotes)
I encourage teachers to speak in their own voices. Don’t use the gibberish of the standards writers. (Voices Quotes)
You have to look also to the media, where you have a vast majority of the loudest and most influential political voices in America media from people who came from the entertainment world. (Voices Quotes)
Federalism should be able to maintain unity among all. But this does not mean that we should boycott regional voices and the voices of ethnic groups. (Voices Quotes)
I think we are in a time where the youth play such a huge role. It’s up to us to go the extra mile to vote and raise our voices. (Voices Quotes)