Voluntary Quotes

Text Quotes
The sale of souls to gain the whole world is completely voluntary and almost unanimous... but not quite (Voluntary Quotes)
Friends don’t need the intervention of a third party. Friendship’s a voluntary thing (Voluntary Quotes)
None can be an impartial or wise observer of human life but from the vantage ground of what we should call voluntary poverty (Voluntary Quotes)
An act of love, a voluntary taking on oneself of some of the pain of the world, increases the courage and love and hope of all (Voluntary Quotes)
In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary. Men are free to cooperate or not, to deal with one another or not, as their own individual judgments, convictions and interests dictate (Voluntary Quotes)
Whenever we depart from voluntary cooperation and try to do good by using force, the bad moral value of force triumphs over good intentions (Voluntary Quotes)
The essential notion of a capitalist society... is voluntary cooperation, voluntary exchange. The essential notion of a socialist society is force (Voluntary Quotes)
Ignorance, when it is voluntary, is criminal; and he may be properly charged with evil who refused to learn how he might prevent it (Voluntary Quotes)
True obedience is a matter of love, which makes it voluntary, not compelled by fear or force (Voluntary Quotes)
A man should inure himself to voluntary labor, and not give up to indulgence and pleasure, as they beget no good constitution of body nor knowledge of mind (Voluntary Quotes)
Civilization, in the real sense of the term, consists not in the multiplication, but in the deliberate and voluntary reduction of wants (Voluntary Quotes)
Civilization rests on two things: the discovery that fermentation produces alcohol, and the voluntary ability to inhibit defecation. And I put it to you, where would this splendid civilization be without both? (Voluntary Quotes)
Forcing people to be generous isn’t humanitarian, effective, compassionate or moral. Only acts that are truly voluntary for all concerned can be truly compassionate (Voluntary Quotes)
There is a perennial and unobtrusive view that morality consists in such things as telling the truth, paying one’s debts, respecting one’s parents and doing no voluntary harm to anyone. Those are all things easy to say and hard to do; they do not attract much attention, and win little honor in the world (Voluntary Quotes)
The voluntary path to cheerfulness, if our spontaneous cheerfulness be lost, is to sit up cheerfully, and act and speak as if cheerfulness were already there. To feel brave, act as if we were brave, use all our will to that end, and courage will very likely replace fear (Voluntary Quotes)
There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved (Voluntary Quotes)
Against the suffering which may come upon one from human relationships the readiest safeguard is voluntary isolation, keeping oneself aloof from other people. The happiness which can be achieved along this path is, as we see, the happiness of quietness. Against the dreaded external world one can only defend oneself by some kind of turning away from it, if one intends to solve the task by oneself (Voluntary Quotes)
In view of the meaning given to this honor in the community to which I belong, I should abstain from the undeserved prize that has been awarded to me. Do not meet my voluntary refusal with ill will (Voluntary Quotes)
The course that will restore to the workmen a father’s duties and responsibilities, between which and themselves the state has now stepped, is for them to reject all forced contributions from others, and to do their own work through their own voluntary combinations (Voluntary Quotes)
To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary... Is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds (Voluntary Quotes)
A confession is wholly and incontestably voluntary only if a guilty person gives himself up to the law and becomes his own accuser (Voluntary Quotes)
We are perpetually moralists, but we are geometricians only by chance. Our intercourse with intellectual nature is necessary; our speculations upon matter are voluntary, and at leisure (Voluntary Quotes)
Thus the sovereign voluntary path to cheerfulness, if cheerfulness be lost, is to sit up cheerfully and to act and speak as if cheerfulness were already there (Voluntary Quotes)
Talent is the capacity of doing anything that depends on application and industry and it is a voluntary power, while genius is involuntary (Voluntary Quotes)
Cant is the voluntary overcharging or prolongation of a real sentiment; hypocrisy is the setting up a pretension to a feeling you never had and have no wish for (Voluntary Quotes)
We see that every external motion, act, gesture, whether voluntary or mechanical, organic or mental, is produced and preceded by internal feeling or emotion, will or volition, and thought or mind (Voluntary Quotes)
Under our system every voter and officeholder is a man who has demonstrated through voluntary and difficult service that he places the welfare of the group ahead of personal advantage (Voluntary Quotes)
Disobedience to conscience is voluntary; bad poetry, on the other hand, is usually not made on purpose (Voluntary Quotes)
Poverty is easy to bear if it is only temporary, easier still if it is an entirely voluntary burden (Voluntary Quotes)
There is reason to believe that voluntary activity, more than highly developed intellect, distinguishes humans from the animals which stand closest to them (Voluntary Quotes)