Volution Quotes

Text Quotes
Good poetry and successful revolution change our lives. And you cannot compose a good poem or wage a revolution without changing consciousness unless you attack the language that you share with your enemies and invent a language that you share with your allies (Volution Quotes)
The revolutionists did not succeed in establishing human freedom; they poured the new wine of belief in equal rights for all men into the old bottle of privilege for some; and it soured (Volution Quotes)
The boundaries of democracy have to be widened so as to include economic equality also. This is the great revolution through which we are all passing (Volution Quotes)
True religion is a revolutionary force: it is an inveterate enemy of oppression, privilege, and injustice (Volution Quotes)
Asperger’s syndrome has probably been an important and valuable characteristic of our species throughout evolution (Volution Quotes)
I simply wanted to experience the presence of this man who had revolutionized my understanding. After a while we sat in silence, gazing at the barren canyon walls. And the mute desert seemed to carry on our conversation for us (Volution Quotes)
The coming change can only come through a revolution, because the possessing class will not allow a peaceful change to take place; still we are willing to work for peace at any price, except at the price of liberty (Volution Quotes)
Acceptance means focusing on the present while assessing the choices available to you in this moment. If there are many possibilities, make the choice that is likely to bring the most evolutionary results. If there is only one choice, take it. If there are no obvious choices, relax and accept the fact that for now, you cannot do anything (Volution Quotes)
There are in the human mind a group of faculties and in the brain groups of convolutions, and the facts assembled by science so far allow to state, as I said before, that the great regions of the mind correspond to the great regions of the brain (Volution Quotes)
We’ve reached the end of incrementalism. Only those companies that are capable of creating industry revolutions will prosper in the new economy (Volution Quotes)
To get really high is to forget yourself. And to forget yourself is to see everything else. And to see everything else is to become an understanding molecule in evolution, a conscious tool of the universe (Volution Quotes)
In my view, art and the approach to life through art, using it as a vehicle for education and even for doing science is so vital that it is part of a great new revolution that is taking place. I believe we are entering a whole new epoch (Volution Quotes)
Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies and cuts through to the essence of the evolutionary spirit (Volution Quotes)
There is now a feeling that the pieces of physics are falling into place, not because of any single revolutionary idea or because of the efforts of any one physicist, but because of a flowering of many seeds of theory, most of them planted long ago (Volution Quotes)
Revolution does not insure progress. You may overturn thrones, but what proof that anything better will grow upon the soil? (Volution Quotes)
Let us remember that revolutions do not always establish freedom. Our own free institutions were not the offspring of our revolution. They existed before (Volution Quotes)
If humankind would accept and acknowledge this responsibility and become creatively engaged in the process of evolution, consciously as well as unconsciously, a new reality would emerge, and a new age could be born (Volution Quotes)
The solutions put forth by imperialism are the quintessence of simplicity... When they speak of the problems of population and birth, they are in no way moved by concepts related to the interests of the family or of society... Just when science and technology are making incredible advances in all fields, they resort to technology to suppress revolutions and ask the help of science to prevent population growth. In short, the peoples are not to make revolutions, and women are not to give birth. This sums up the philosophy of imperialism (Volution Quotes)
What a delight it is to think that you are quietly and philosophically at work in the pursuit of science... rather than fighting amongst the crowd of black passions and motives that seem now a days to urge men every where into action. What incredible scenes every where, what unworthy motives ruled for the moment, under high sounding phrases and at the last what disgusting revolutions (Volution Quotes)
The historian of science may be tempted to claim that when paradigms change, the world itself changes with them. Led by a new paradigm, scientists adopt new instruments and look in new places. even more important, during revolutions, scientists see new and different things when looking with familiar instruments in places they have looked before. It is rather as if the professional community had been suddenly transported to another planet where familiar objects are seen in a different light and are joined by unfamiliar ones as well (Volution Quotes)
The resolution of revolutions is selection by conflict within the scientific community of the fittest way to practice future science. The net result of a sequence of such revolutionary selections, separated by periods of normal research, is the wonderfully adapted set of instruments we call modern scientific knowledge (Volution Quotes)
All the parties of capitalist society, all its moralists and all its sycophants will perish beneath the debris of the impending catastrophe. The only party that will survive is the party of the world socialist revolution (Volution Quotes)
We are moving from unconscious evolution through natural selection to conscious evolution by choice (Volution Quotes)
Seen in retrospect, evolution as a whole doubtless had a general direction, from simple to complex, from dependence on to relative independence of the environment, to greater and greater autonomy of individuals, greater and greater development of sense organs and nervous systems conveying and processing information about the state of the organism’s surroundings, and finally greater and greater consciousness. You can call this direction progress or by some other name (Volution Quotes)
God decided to create a species with whom he could have fellowship. Who are we to say that evolution was a dumb way to do it? It was an incredibly elegant way to do it (Volution Quotes)
Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable (Volution Quotes)
The idea of spontaneous generation of life in its present form is therefore highly improbable even to the scale of the billions of years during which prebotic evolution occurred (Volution Quotes)
The old must pass away. It has served its purpose in the cycles of evolution and must now make way for a new, more expanded and more fruitful manifestation (Volution Quotes)
The brain is the great factory of thought. To it are directed all the forces of nature, forces which, for thousands of years, have been expending themselves upon it and impressing on it a slow and continuous motion of evolution (Volution Quotes)
In proportion to our body mass, our brain is three times as large as that of our nearest relatives. This huge organ is dangerous and painful to give birth to, expensive to build and, in a resting human, uses about 20 per cent of the body’s energy even though it is just 2 per cent of the body’s weight. There must be some reason for all this evolutionary expense (Volution Quotes)