Volution Quotes

Text Quotes
America is a land of big dreamers and big hopes. It is this hope that has sustained us through revolution and civil war, depression and world war, a struggle for civil and social rights and the brink of nuclear crisis. And it is because our dreamers dreamed that we have emerged from each challenge more united, more prosperous, and more admired than before (Volution Quotes)
Moreover, the eye contains a big flaw: the retina is inside out. Why would an almighty designer do such a thing? No intelligent designer,.. would put such a clumsy arrangement in a camcorder, and this is just one of the hundreds of accidents frozen in evolutionary history that confirm the mindlessness of the historical process (Volution Quotes)
The world has witnessed the rise and fall of monarchy, the rise and fall of dictatorship, the rise and fall of feudalism, the rise and fall of communism, and the rise of democracy; and now we are witnessing the fall of democracy... the theme of the evolution of life continues, sweeping away with it all that does not blossom into perfection (Volution Quotes)
Evolution as such is no longer a theory for a modern author. It is as much a fact as that the earth revolves around the sun (Volution Quotes)
Evolution has programmed us to feel rejection in our guts. This is how the tribe inforced obedience, by wielding the threat of expulsion. Fear of rejection isn’t just psychological; it’s biological. It’s in our cells (Volution Quotes)
As artists and professionals, it is our obligation to enact our own internal revolution, a private insurrection inside our own skulls. In this uprising we free ourselves from the tyranny of consumer culture (Volution Quotes)
When I moved into making sculpture, I could handle steel the way it had been handled in the technological revolution. I could use it the way bridge builders used it; I could use it the way they used it in industry and building and not the way it had been used in art (Volution Quotes)
The cumulative nature of the evolutionary process, the fact that memory is preserved, means that life grows not just through a random proliferation of new forms, but there’s a kind of cumulative quality (Volution Quotes)
For the whole consequence of evolution from blind impulse through conscious will to self conscious knowledge, seems still somehow to correspond to a continued result of births, rebirths and new births, which reach from the birth of the child from the mother, beyond the birth of the individual from the mass, to the birth of the creative work from the individual and finally to the birth of knowledge from the work (Volution Quotes)
Revolutionary politics, revolutionary art, and oh, the revolutionary mind, is the dullest thing on earth... What a stupid word! What a stale fuss! (Volution Quotes)
You can always find an evolutionary quotation for anything. But the question is whether it’s functional, which is not the same as being evolutionary (Volution Quotes)
A great introduction to cultures is their cuisine. It not only reflects their evolution, but also their beliefs and traditions (Volution Quotes)
I want to help accelerate the evolution of the press because right now, newsrooms are cutting investigative journalists, and we need investigative journalists (Volution Quotes)
Evolution makes biology make sense. And if you don’t teach your students the evolutionary core of biology, you’re making it harder for them (Volution Quotes)
We’re following the evolution of tennis. On the women’s side, there has been a very positive change, with the arrival of many new stars (Volution Quotes)
Our whole evolution up to this point shows that human groups spontaneously evolve patterns of behavior, as well as patterns of training people for that behavior, which tend on balance to lead people to create rather than destroy. Humans are, on net balance, builders rather than destroyers (Volution Quotes)
Those who would legislate against the teaching of evolution should also legislate against gravity, electricity and the unreasonable velocity of light, and also, should introduce a clause to prevent the use of the telescope, the microscope and the spectroscope or any other instrument of precision which may in the future be invented, constructed or used for the discovery of truth (Volution Quotes)
Choosing succulence is a deliberate act of personal revolution. It means waking up! Embracing your true self, studying your patterns, and letting out your most alive self. We all have one (Volution Quotes)
This revolution, the information revolution, is a revolution of free energy as well, but of another kind: free intellectual energy (Volution Quotes)
An enlightened teacher is able to put a tremendous amount of power through a person who seeks knowledge and escalates the evolution of the individual (Volution Quotes)
I wouldn’t really worry to much about practicing the yoga of discrimination at this point in your evolution (Volution Quotes)
In the course of an individual being’s evolution we will practice each of these yogas. One path is not superior to another (Volution Quotes)
As a seer, I naturally can see the evolutionary potential of a being. But the potential will not necessarily be actualized. A particular being will not necessarily realize their full height (Volution Quotes)
We’re going to leave this planet at some point further than we have, we’re going to go beyond the moon, we’re going to go to mars. We all kind of know that on some level, I think actually. So there’s an inevitability to human evolution, this being the next step (Volution Quotes)
In order to survive, all systems must evolve by providing greater and greater access to the currents that flow through them. This applies to all physical, biological and social systems that survive and thrive... But let’s take that one step forward... the systems just described are... constantly evolving. This suggests another design principle:... design for evolution rather than creating a static design optimizing for the present (Volution Quotes)
A political leader who desires to be useful to the revolutionary proletariat must be able to distinguish concrete cases of compromises that are inexcusable and are an expression of opportunism and treachery (Volution Quotes)
Somewhere in the world there is a person who could ask you the precise question you need to hear in order to catalyze the next phase of your evolution. Do what’s necessary to run into that person (Volution Quotes)
Killing is fundamentally in our nature because over the eons of human evolution murder was so surprisingly beneficial in the intense game of reproductive competition (Volution Quotes)
There was a time when skepticism was an act of rebellion. Since to a degree I both believe in evolution and have faith, I can only conclude that, as prophesied, to have faith will someday be an act of rebellion (Volution Quotes)
The effect of boredom on a large scale in history is underestimated. It is a main cause of revolutions (Volution Quotes)