Volution Quotes

Text Quotes
...evolution is the gradual development and stratification of progressive series of wholes, stretching from the inorganic beginnings to the highest level of spiritual creation (Volution Quotes)
We are the climactic generation of human cultural evolution, and in the microcosm of our lives the macrocosm of the evolution of the human race is playing itself out (Volution Quotes)
This physical world, though necessary to our evolution, is the embodiment of impermanence, of constant change. Thus, we take care not to become overly attached to it (Volution Quotes)
If we can simply distinguish between the different successive stages of evolution, it is possible to see primeval events within the earthly events of the present (Volution Quotes)
The bicameral mind with its controlling gods was evolved as a final stage of the evolution of language. And in this development lies the origin of civilization (Volution Quotes)
I realized that the only purpose to revolution is to be able to love who you want, how you want, when you want and where you want (Volution Quotes)
Revolution: Political movement which gets many people´s hopes up, let´s even more people down, makes almost everybody uncomfortable, and a few, extraordinarily rich. It is widely held in high regard (Volution Quotes)
Mengistu seemed to symbolize the revolution. He was the baria, the slave who overthrew the master, the member of the conquered tribe who got even with the conquerors, the poorly educated son of a servant who rose against the intellectual elite (Volution Quotes)
As far as our culture of humiliation goes, what we need is a revolution. Public shaming as a blood sport has to stop (Volution Quotes)
Hendrix is one of the most revolutionary figures in today’s pop culture, musically and sociologically (Volution Quotes)
God is the evolutionary impulse of the universe. God is infinite creativity, infinite love, infinite compassion, infinite caring (Volution Quotes)
Spiritual evolution is a movement from the states of mind that reflect life less accurately to the states of mind that reflect life more accurately (Volution Quotes)
As the years progressed, my spiritual evolution seemed to increase in speed. I stepped outside this world, the selves reordered. The combination, the aggregate of beings that I was, dissolved in the white light of eternity (Volution Quotes)
Tantra is for a person who has reached a point in their spiritual evolution where everything looks the same (Volution Quotes)
A critical knowledge of the evolution of the idea of property would embody, in some respects, the most remarkable portion of the mental history of mankind (Volution Quotes)
Nations are less disposed to make revolutions in proportion as personal property is augmented and distributed among them, and as the number of those possessing it is increased (Volution Quotes)
The intellectual who no longer feels attached to anything is not satisfied with opinion merely; he wants certainty, he wants a system. The revolution provides him with his opium (Volution Quotes)
The way we measure awareness is by how long you can stop thought. If you can’t stop thought at all, then you are not powerful. You might be quite evolved, but you have no access to that evolution (Volution Quotes)
Of course the theory of evolution would be vacuous if it offered a glib explanation for every inexplicable act (Volution Quotes)
In a better world, science teachers would teach creationism along with evolution as an exercise in critical thinking (Volution Quotes)
There’s a bait and switch going on here because the critics want the textbooks to question whether evolution occurred. And of course they don’t because scientists don’t question whether evolution occurred (Volution Quotes)
When you talk about revolution, it’s very easy to romanticize picking up a gun or marching in the street, but I think before we take any of those actions, violence of course being the last one, we first have to have a revolution of the mind (Volution Quotes)
I’ve been a barbarian my whole life. I’m just a smarter barbarian now. Evolution, you know? (Volution Quotes)
We’re supposed to keep evolving. Evolution did not end with us growing opposable thumbs. You do know that, right? (Volution Quotes)
All the art of analysis consists in saying a truth only when the other person is ready for it, has been prepared for it by an organic process of gradation and evolution (Volution Quotes)
Timing: The alpha and omega of aerialists, jugglers, actors, diplomats, publicists, generals, prizefighters, revolutionists, financiers, dictators, lovers (Volution Quotes)
Every human activity, whether it be love, philosophy, art, or revolution, is carried on with a special intensity in Paris (Volution Quotes)
No, one couldn’t make a revolution, one couldn’t even start a riot, with sheep that asked only for better browsing (Volution Quotes)
No nation has the right to bring about a revolution, even though such a change may be most urgently needed, if the price is the blood of one single innocent individual (Volution Quotes)
The main necessity on both sides of a revolution is kindness, which makes possible the most surprising things. To treat one’s neighbor as oneself is the fundamental maxim for revolution (Volution Quotes)