Volution Quotes

Text Quotes
Evolution is not a genetically controlled distortion of one adult form into another; it is a genetically controlled alteration in a developmental program (Volution Quotes)
It’s wildly irritating to have invented something as revolutionary as sarcasm, only to have it abused by amateurs (Volution Quotes)
Even if it were true that evolution, or the teaching of evolution, encouraged immorality that would not imply that the theory of evolution was false (Volution Quotes)
Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution (Volution Quotes)
America’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality (Volution Quotes)
America’s veterans and troops serving abroad today fought hard to preserve our red, white and blue, from the Revolutionary War to today’s Global War Against Terrorism, and Congress’ action today is appropriate for one of our most sacred symbols (Volution Quotes)
And if there’s any hope for America, it lies in a revolution, and if there’s any hope for a revolution in America, it lies in getting Elvis Presley to become Che Guevara (Volution Quotes)
And it’s here and it’s ready and we can really revolutionize the way we educate our children with tablet computers, and I’m committed to doing whatever I can to speaking to whomever I can to send this signal - to pound this message home. Now is the time (Volution Quotes)
Britain, relative to the U. S., is a highly secular society. Philanthropy alone cannot fill the gap left by government cutbacks. And the sources of altruism go deep into our evolutionary past (Volution Quotes)
... there are no natural borderlines in evolution. The illusion of a borderline is created by the fact that the evolutionary intermediates happen to be extinct (Volution Quotes)
The revolution is made through human beings, but individuals must forge their revolutionary spirit day by day (Volution Quotes)
Authentic spirituality is revolutionary. It does not legitimate the world, it breaks the world; it does not console the world, it shatters it. And it does not render the self content, it renders it undone (Volution Quotes)
Does a man become a revolutionary out of the belief he’s entitled to joy rather than submission? (Volution Quotes)
That becomes the revolution, to be idealistic enough that you think you can change the world, and what you find is you can’t change anything but yourself (Volution Quotes)
Revolutions spring not from accident, but from necessity. A revolution is a return from the factitious to the real. It takes place because it must (Volution Quotes)
Well, she was talking to me. That’s enough to make anyone lose their temper. And I accused her of sleeping with my dad because he was the soundest evolutionary choice (Volution Quotes)
Further, an excess of legislation defeats its own ends. It makes the whole population criminals, and turns them all into police and police spies. The moral health of such a people is ruined for ever; only revolution can save it (Volution Quotes)
Whoever heard of a neurotic frog? Where do humans get off thinking they’re the pinnacle of evolution? (Volution Quotes)
Learning to read is probably the most difficult and revolutionary thing that happens to the human brain and if you don’t believe that, watch an illiterate adult try to do it (Volution Quotes)
True revolution comes from true revulsion; when things get bad enough the kitten will kill the lion (Volution Quotes)
Though why should we expect age to mellow us? If it isn’t life’s business to reward merit, why should it be life’s business to give us warm comfortable feelings towards its end? What possible evolutionary purpose could nostalgia serve? (Volution Quotes)
For a revolution is not just a question of pulling a trigger; its purpose is to create a fair just society (Volution Quotes)
Because the history of evolution is that life escapes all barriers. Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way (Volution Quotes)
Evolution is, as well as smarter than we are, infinitely more callous and cruel, and also capricious (Volution Quotes)
A social movement that only moves people is merely a revolt. A movement that changes both people and institutions is a revolution (Volution Quotes)
All revolutions are the sheerest fantasy until they happen; then they become historical inevitabilities (Volution Quotes)
People seem to think if they dress like a revolutionary they don’t actually have to behave like one (Volution Quotes)
The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives (Volution Quotes)
It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hard put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution that destroys the machinery, but the friction (Volution Quotes)
Legislators and revolutionaries who promise both equality and liberty are visionaries and charlatans (Volution Quotes)