Votes Quotes

Text Quotes
Newt Gingrich never received more than 100,000 votes in his life. He’ll never be president (Votes Quotes)
There are always two figures in a marriage, two votes, two conflicting sets of decisions, desires and limitations (Votes Quotes)
Remember, politicians get votes by promising everything to everyone, always at the expense of some other invisible taxpayers (Votes Quotes)
They [Theodore White and Lou Harris] took turns weeping, and finally concluded that Rockefeller got the votes of everyone in California who is a Negro, a Jew, a Mexican, and a college graduate, while Goldwater got the votes of every millionaire. Which certainly makes California the land of opportunity (Votes Quotes)
We have enough votes to run the country. And when the people say, We’ve had enough, we are going to take over (Votes Quotes)
Howard Dean was endorsed by former Vice President Al Gore and now he is getting advice from Al Gore. And I’m thinking, who better to give advice than the guy who couldn’t even get elected with the most votes? (Votes Quotes)
General Wesley Clark commented on Gore endorsing Howard Dean. He said endorsements don’t win elections. Hey, in this country, votes don’t even win elections (Votes Quotes)
How come regional pandering only works in one direction, right? You never see a Southern politician trying to win votes in New York State by saying, ‘I read books and make a mean vegan meatloaf.’ (Votes Quotes)
The other night, President Bush’s press conference was pre-empted by ‘American Idol.’ You know the difference between President Bush and ‘American Idol?’ See, on ‘American Idol,’ the one with the most votes wins (Votes Quotes)
The president’s attempted diktat takes money from bondholders and gives it a labor union that delivers money and votes for him.... Shaking down lenders for the benefit of political donors is recycled corruption and the abuse of power (Votes Quotes)
Politicians usually get the blame for dragging their feet on environmental issues. And fair enough. Most of them do just that. But the blame isn’t theirs alone. For politicians afraid of losing votes, a bristling media waiting to transform good green ideas into monsters is a colossal disincentive. (Votes Quotes)
I have a very personal interest. I am a Miami-Dade voter. One of the issues is that my vote and so many other votes of women and African Americans in Florida are being discounted or discarded. I want my vote to count. (Votes Quotes)
They [African-American community] have been abused and used in order to get votes by Democrat politicians, because that’s what it is. They’ve controlled these communities for up to 100 years. (Votes Quotes)
During my campaign, people of my age and younger said consistently that they would not vote because their votes simply no longer matter and because no government or member of Parliament cared a whit about their problems and their striving for employment. (Votes Quotes)
Even if you only counted the votes that actually made it through the hoops in order to be cast, the president was really Al Gore. (Votes Quotes)
Al Gore in 2000. He got a half a million more votes than George Bush and lost. How can that be? It’s ridiculous. It’s an elitist system. It’s so they pick your President. You don’t - the people - and it needs to be abolished. (Votes Quotes)
I think if progressives stay at this, continue at the grassroots level to make the case that all Americans should have choice, all Americans ought to be able to hold insurance companies accountable, I think we will have 60 votes in the United States Senate for a strong bill. (Votes Quotes)
In any crass political calculation, drilling for oil will always win more votes than putting a price on carbon. But if I recall what I was taught in fifth-grade American government class, we elect presidents to do more than crass political calculations. (Votes Quotes)
Animal rights, taken to their logical conclusion, mean votes for oysters (Votes Quotes)
You’re not going to have a 1.000 batting average, but the way you get votes is, you just push and you push. I’m not afraid to do that. (Votes Quotes)
I don’t understand it. Jack will spend any amount of money to buy votes but he balks at investing a thousand dollars in a beautiful painting. (Votes Quotes)
I will be the first to admit that getting votes and getting an audience are two different things. For example, a politician really can’t be elected if he’s hated by half the people. A talk show host, however, can be an overwhelming national phenomenon while being hated by half the people. (Votes Quotes)
President Clinton not only benefits by gay and lesbian votes, but he benefits by showing the nation that he is a strong leader who implements his beliefs, who stands firm by those who he believes are being treated unfairly, and I think people respect that kind of leadership in the country. (Votes Quotes)
The votes elected officials make should be based on the best interests of the American people, not the fear of retribution when shadowy groups spend millions of dollars on negative advertisements. (Votes Quotes)
No matter what your decisions are, no matter what your votes are, if you’re not playing by the rules, you’re taking a big risk. (Votes Quotes)
This may be news to Big Money politicians, but they actually don’t own our votes (Votes Quotes)
Here’s the biggest problem I think Donald Trump has. He’s not getting enough votes today of the people who already say they don’t like Hillary Clinton. (Votes Quotes)
If we have an honest discussion on whether the war on poverty should be fought with welfare or with economic growth in the private sector, Democrats will lose black votes. (Votes Quotes)
All the blood is drained out of democracy - it dies - when only half the population votes (Votes Quotes)
Now that no one buys our votes, the public has long since cast off its cares; for the people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now meddles no more and longs eagerly for just two things - bread and circuses. (Votes Quotes)