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Voyaging Quotes

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Voyaging begins when one burns one’s boats, adventures begin with a shipwreck  (Voyaging Quotes) Some men never find prosperity, For all their voyaging, While others find it with no voyaging  (Voyaging Quotes) I believe that one of the great pleasures that we derive from voyaging is that of independence, and we have found that the best guarantee of that independence comes from simplicity  (Voyaging Quotes) The sea remains the greatest wilderness. To my mind, voyaging through wildernesses, be they full of woods or waves, is essential to the growth and maturity of the human spirit  (Voyaging Quotes) What I always hoped for out of the psychedelic voyaging was to bring back something. I always felt, and still feel, that that is the attitude with which you should go into these things.  (Voyaging Quotes) Those of us born into vitalist and expressionist cultures must hope that governments will draw back from shutting down the modernist project of exploring, experimenting, and imagining - of voyaging into the unknown - that has been essential for rewarding lives.  (Voyaging Quotes)