W S Gilbert Quotes

Text Quotes
Things are seldom what they seem, skim milk masquerades as cream (W S Gilbert Quotes)
My object all sublime I shall achieve in time (W S Gilbert Quotes)
Deer hunting would be fine sport, if only the deer had guns (W S Gilbert Quotes)
For duty, duty must be done; The rule applies to everyone (W S Gilbert Quotes)
A policeman’s lot is not a happy one (W S Gilbert Quotes)
If you're anxious for to shine in the high aesthetic line as a man of culture rare, You must get up all the germs of the transcendental terms, and plant them everywhere (W S Gilbert Quotes)
In enterprise of martial kind, when there was any fighting, he led his regiment from behind - he found it less exciting (W S Gilbert Quotes)
Perhaps if you address the lady most politely, most politely, flatter and impress the lady most politely, most politely. Humbly beg and humbly sue, she may deign to look on you (W S Gilbert Quotes)
There's fish in the sea, no doubt of it, As good as ever came out of it (W S Gilbert Quotes)
I am the very model of a modern Major-General, I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral, I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical, From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical (W S Gilbert Quotes)
And I always voted at my party's call, and I never thought of thinking for myself at all (W S Gilbert Quotes)
In the discovery of secret things and in the investigation of hidden causes, stronger reasons are obtained from sure experiments and demonstrated arguments than from probable conjectures and the opinions of philosophical speculators of the common sort (W S Gilbert Quotes)
No one can have a higher opinion of him than I have, and I think he's a dirty little beast (W S Gilbert Quotes)
You have no idea what a poor opinion I have of myself and how little I deserve it (W S Gilbert Quotes)
If you wish in this world to advance, your merits you're bound to enhance; You must stir it and stump it, and blow your own trumpet, or trust me, you haven't a chance (W S Gilbert Quotes)
A popular speaker, however unpopular and insignificant, has only to wind up his speech with half-a-dozen lines of Shakespeare (and to make it clearly understood that they are Shakespeare's) and he will sit down amid thunders of applause (W S Gilbert Quotes)
The world has joked incessantly for over fifty centuries, And every joke that's possible has long ago been made (W S Gilbert Quotes)
He is an Englishman! For he himself has said it, And it's greatly to his credit, That he is an Englishman! (W S Gilbert Quotes)
Poor wandering one! Though thou hast surely strayed, Take heart of grace, Thy steps retrace, Poor wandering one! (W S Gilbert Quotes)
Here's a first-rate opportunity to get married with impunity, and indulge in the felicity of unbounded domesticity (W S Gilbert Quotes)
I love my fellow creatures - I do all the good I can - yet everybody says I'm such a disagreeable man! (W S Gilbert Quotes)
I'm very well acquainted too with matters mathematical, I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical, About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news. With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse (W S Gilbert Quotes)
When a felon's not engaged in his employment, or maturing his felonious little plans, his capacity for innocent enjoyment is just as great as any honest man's (W S Gilbert Quotes)
The law is the true embodiment of everything that's excellent. It has no kind of fault or flaw, And I, my lords, embody the Law (W S Gilbert Quotes)
I often think it's comical how nature always does contrive that every boy and every gal, that's born into the world alive is either a little liberal or else a little conservative! (W S Gilbert Quotes)
A wandering minstrel I, a thing of shreds and patches, of ballads, songs, and snatches, and dreamy lullaby! (W S Gilbert Quotes)
Then the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone, All centuries but this, and every country but his own (W S Gilbert Quotes)
Three little maids from school are we, pert as a school-girl well can be, filled to the brim with girlish glee (W S Gilbert Quotes)
Is life a boon? If so, it must befall that death, whenever he call, must call too soon (W S Gilbert Quotes)
No good play is a success; fine writing and high morals are useless on the stage. I have been scribbling twaddle for thirty-five years to suit the public taste, and I should know (W S Gilbert Quotes)