Wa Quotes

Text Quotes
I'd be smart to walk away but you're quicksand (Wa Quotes)
If you met yourself, would you want to be friends with you? (Wa Quotes)
I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us (Wa Quotes)
When all you wanted was to be wanted (Wa Quotes)
If god doesn't like the way I live, let him tell me, not you (Wa Quotes)
It was short. It was sweet. We tried (Wa Quotes)
I've come a long way, I can't call it quits now (Wa Quotes)
I wish I wasn't always wrong I wish it wasn't always my fault (Wa Quotes)
Organize, agitate, educate, must be our war cry (Wa Quotes)
The pain never went away, I just got real good at hiding it (Wa Quotes)
Sometimes it's better to be alone cause no one can hurt you that way (Wa Quotes)
Success should always be just beyond your grasp (Wa Quotes)
Wait for the boy that would do anything to be your everything (Wa Quotes)
I was just another promise that you couldn't keep (Wa Quotes)
I don't want perfect, I want honest (Wa Quotes)
The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth (Wa Quotes)
Sometimes, the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy (Wa Quotes)
He threw all the parties hoping she'd wander in one night (Wa Quotes)
In politics shared hatreds are almost always the basis of friendships (Wa Quotes)
The best way out of a difficulty is through it (Wa Quotes)
When I was your age, we took spelling tests, not pregnancy tests (Wa Quotes)
So many things I wish you knew, so many walls I can't break through (Wa Quotes)
Yes, I miss you. No, that doesn't mean I want you back (Wa Quotes)
She wanted the rainbow so she put up with the rain (Wa Quotes)
Once upon a time, I was falling love. Now, i'm only falling apart (Wa Quotes)
Wake up. Pretend i'm ok. Sleep (Wa Quotes)
I wasted my wishes on you (Wa Quotes)
Hard times will always reveal true friends (Wa Quotes)
Depression is like war, you either win or you die trying (Wa Quotes)
Never stop moving towards where you want to be (Wa Quotes)