Wa Quotes

Text Quotes
Life was throwing curve balls at me left and right, but then God gave me a bat and showed me how to swing (Wa Quotes)
Morning signifies a new beginning. So this morning start by forgiving yourself for all the mistakes you made yesterday and look forward to the promising day that lies ahead of you. Have a good morning! (Wa Quotes)
There are some screw ups headed your way. I wish I could tell you that there was a trick to avoiding the screw ups, but they're coming for ya. It's a combination of life being unpredictable, and you being super dumb (Wa Quotes)
He made the world a grassy road before our bare, wandering feet, Then crushed the stones into the softest sand between our toes (Wa Quotes)
If you want to change something in your life, focus on the inner, and God will take care of the outer (Wa Quotes)
That relationship where you can talk all the way from good morning to good night and never get bored of each other (Wa Quotes)
You only live once so don't care about what people think about you. Live your one life the way you want to (Wa Quotes)
While you breathe, SING. While you live, LOVE. While you work, SHINE. While you walk, DANCE. While you see, DREAM (Wa Quotes)
You're free to do whatever you want, but you should always take responsibility for the consequences of your choices in life (Wa Quotes)
Always forgive others, not necessarily because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace of mind (Wa Quotes)
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything that comes their way (Wa Quotes)
Be thankful for all the difficult people in your life, for they have shown you exactly who you do not want to be (Wa Quotes)
After a while you can't cry anymore. You have to believe that what happened is what was supposed to happen and you can't change that, even if you tried. So dry your tears and hope that tomorrow will be a better day (Wa Quotes)
I don't understand why people whose entire lives or their corporate success depends on communication, and yet they are led on occasion by CEOs who cannot talk their way out of a paper bag and don't care to (Wa Quotes)
There are people still in the Republican Party that I believe practice the communication of anger, of disappointment, of regret, of pain, of sorrow, of suffering. That's not what the American people want to hear (Wa Quotes)
A test of a people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children. Even tyrants and dictators make a point of being fond of children. But the affection and care for the old, the incurable, the helpless are the true gold mines of a culture (Wa Quotes)
Wonder, or radical amazement, is a way of going beyond what is given in thing and thought, refusing to take anything for granted, to regard anything as final. It is our honest response to the grandeur and mystery of reality our confrontation with that which transcends the given (Wa Quotes)
I'm free. I just do what I want, say what I want, say how I feel, and I don't try to hurt nobody. I just try to make sure that I don't compromise my art in any kind of way, and I think people respect that (Wa Quotes)
We used to root for the Indians against the cavalry, because we didn't think it was fair in the history books that when the cavalry won it was a great victory, and when the Indians won it was a massacre (Wa Quotes)
I spend... Twenty times more for you people than any other commercial I've ever made. You are such pests! Now what is it you want? In your... Depths of your ignorance, what is it you want? Whatever it is you want, I can't deliver, 'cause I just don't see it (Wa Quotes)
I hope to stand firm enough to not go backward, and yet not go forward fast enough to wreck the country's cause (Wa Quotes)
I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow (Wa Quotes)
Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right (Wa Quotes)
Being in this business for as long as I've been in it, it's sort of like living in a town or a city before the war and then after the war and then during the reconstruction and then during the time that it sprawls out to the malls (Wa Quotes)
You may never be good enough for some people, but you will always be the best for those who deserve you (Wa Quotes)
That awkward moment when someone asks Have you two met? and you reply "No" while the other person says "Yes." (Wa Quotes)
I totally get Columbus because I also want to murder everyone I see after a long and crowded commute (Wa Quotes)
The Israeli government has proved over the past year it's commitment to peace, both in words and deeds. By contrast, the Palestinians are posing preconditions for renewing the diplomatic process in a way they have not done over the course of 16 years (Wa Quotes)
Be Brave. Remember that bravery is not the lack of fear but the ability to move forward in spite of fear (Wa Quotes)
When you have got an elephant by the hind legs and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run (Wa Quotes)